
Thursday, August 26, 2021

Yeah, good luck with that

(Natural News) The Biden regime desperately wants to put the “unvaccinated” on a “no fly list” — permanently segregating tens of millions of innocent Americans from air travel. The tyranny doesn’t end there. Once Americans are placed on a “no fly list” and labeled domestic terrorists, they can be put on a “no gun list” — leading to firearm confiscation and forever depriving Americans of their right to keep and bear arms. This is all being done intentionally, step-by-step, and in a clandestine way, because it is so much easier to round up dissenting Americans and put them in internment camps when they are unarmed and stereotyped as a subhuman class of citizens.


  1. Does "Ice Cream Joe" realize that most of us already have guns?

    1. Yeah, he does. He also realizes that very, very, very few have ever used one against the government. Well, not so much him, really. He doesn't realize much of anything. His handlers, however....

  2. And by 'good luck', we mean 'may you be gang-raped to death by rabid honey-badgers'.

  3. well hell...a line from a movie keeps playing thru my head.
    "I'd say that confrontation is a foregone conclusion."
    so, dont bury everything in the same spot if it comes to that.

  4. :)
    I've never been big on active resistance, or much of anything else beyond loving my wife, raising my children, working with my church and my job. Activism, whatever the cause is, is just not in my DNA. Of course I have opinions (my comments here and elsewhere sure bear that out) but I am low on activity.
    In light of that disclaimer, I have to publicly state: please, please, pretty please with sugar and a cherry on top, don't *try* to take the guns away. Just don't pull that string. Because, you see, when you pull that string, I've read enough history to know that my wife (that I'm actively loving and caring for), my children (that I'm actively loving and raising) and my church (the global body of believers, not a building) are all going to be under serious threat.
    So, please just don't do it.
    I really am asking, nay, begging, nicely. There are "hard stops."
    -Just A Chemist

  5. I feel things are nearing a breaking point.

    Just try it, you communists.

    You won’t like the results.

    I will do whatever is necessary to maintain some semblance of freedom for my grandchildren.

  6. "If this escalates, then tens of millions of Americans will be classified as “domestic terrorists” banned from travel, and then stripped of their firearms."

    How in the world does this writer think they are going to strip "tens of millions" of Americans of their firearms? What ever he is smoking, I want some.

    He mentions the National Guard. Kentucky has roughly 8000 NG members. Tennessee has about 13,000. Kentucky has 18,000 LEOs. Tennessee has 31,000 LEOs. Kentucky covers 40,000 sq miles. Tennessee is 42,000 sq miles. Some studies say that half the population of both states own firearms (a little low in my opinion). The only way either state government holds any control is because we let them.

  7. All the gubment has to do is strike that spark and we'll do the rest.

  8. I'm prepared to destroy anyone who tries to relieve me of my legally purchased, legally owned any-fucking-thing.
    Then their kin.

  9. I doubt the airlines would allow a law where sizable percentage of the population can never fly again. They have too much lobbying money to allow that.


    1. Yeah, but that is thinking logically.
      Why would a company that makes razors insult >50% of its male customers?

      Woke transcends profits in today's Corporate America.

  10. So far the commie left has gotten away with everything they've attempted. Every abuse, every assault on right, every violation of law, ethics and morality they can dream up. And as long as that success continues they WILL continue their assault on America and our freedom. They will NEVER quit, NEVER give up, NEVER go away. They will have to be exterminated. If not eradicated they WILL win.....and they are very close to total control over us now.

  11. lm wearing the hatworkz (TN) yellow star, when those running this shitshow from behind the scenes realize we have stolen, sorry, appropriated, their gig, they will soon shut this shit down.


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