
Monday, September 20, 2021

Because They Are Evil

There are a great many things coming from Biden, Fauci, the CDC, the State Department, the military, the Justice Department, and basically the Deep State that make no sense. From Biden and the Deep State, we are getting executive orders, mandates, guidelines, decisions, policies, and edicts that just do not make any sort of intellectual sense. It is not just a difference of opinion. It is not just different politics or a different point of view. Decisions, guidelines, policies, and proposed laws are coming out of Washington D.C., Biden, and the Deep State that one just can't figure out in an intellectual, factual, common-sense sort of way. The only way to explain what is coming from the placeholder at the White House and the Deep State elites is that they are just evil. They are doing what they’re doing because they are evil. No other answer makes sense.


  1. Can't disagree with that other than why the focus on the politicians and not the Democrat voters themselves that want them. My enemy lives up and down my own street. It's not fair to simply blame the pols for being what they are, pols are pols. The root of the problem is the people that keep choosing the same ones over and over despite knowing what they are.

    1. Yep, and if you're going to blame the voters, then the buck stops at the parents who neither brought them up right, nor protected them from Carter's Fed Dept of Indoctrination.

      The parents are the problem. The people are the problem. Government is evil by nature, the founders spelled that out very clearly when they put the Constitution and Bill of RIghts together.

      Gonna have to hit rock bottom now before a turn can even begin.

    2. They have been cheating in elections for years. Its just now people started to believe it. Carlin was right the whole time.

  2. Where is Henry Bowman when ya need him???

  3. An article in The Lancet today completely eviscerates Fauci for covering up his involvement with the Wuhan Lab and the gain of function he funded there. That little criminal needs to be in jail.

    1. "in jail."

      You misspelled "found in multiple dumpsters."

  4. I have a potential explanation for what I have observed. For most of my life, I have sometimes been puzzled by what I see many people do. It occasionally seems irrational and so I have given some thought as to why people do what I have observed.

    At some point in grade school, some people figure out that they just don't like some other people. A few of them get to the point that they will go out of their way to annoy the others. I'm not sure of their basic motivation but there appears to be a couple of types of people:

    1. People who find significance in doing things - producing a product or a service or accomplishing a worthy goal.
    2. People who believe that they achieve significance by manipulating others.

    There are a large, probably uncountable, number of ways to group individuals. Picking out one way does not mean excluding others.

    Almost everyone wants to have some significance - i.e. be well thought-of. Some achieve this through acquiring a skill or by working to achieve goals. Some put their time into sports and some into one or more academic areas. Some concentrate on art, some on music. Some like to fix things, some like to make money. Others could do those things and sometimes do but choose, as their main area of interest, to manipulate the people around them.

    Some manipulate to appear more intelligent than they really are.

    Sometimes manipulation is useful, sometimes it is essential. In an emergency situation some people need to be motivated to keep trying and/or put out more effort even though the situation seems hopeless. Sometimes the half-time pep talk needs to take a disheartened team and turn them around. Those situations are necessary but not common. The manipulators are at it all the time. Their goal is to have power over the people around them. Sometimes they find it necessary to work with other manipulators to achieve more power. Some will rise to the top, some accept their level as subordinate, manipulating those under them.
    The methods that are used to annoy the others vary widely. It could be bullying, harassing or deriding the person. It could be saying bad things about them behind their back. It could be interfering with what that person wants to do or to have.
    At some point in high school or early college they realize that, in order to appear to be grown up, they need to conceal their true motives. This, I believe, is where politics originates. The manipulators can give the appearance of having a higher calling (save the planet, elevate the lower classes, etc) while still engaging in the same behaviors that they used as children to annoy the people that they don't like.
    Example: Back in the '60s or '70s it seemed to be a popular pastime of the counter-culture to "tweak the straights". They could do something outrageous and promote a reaction among a certain group of people. The modern equivalent seems to be the promotion of transgender people competing against women in sports. It gets a reaction from the right group.
    Example: trigger words and gender identification words. These are examples of people deriving significance (and generating power over other people) by forcing those others to change the language that they use. In addition, some people demonstrate their "superiority" over others by using the "correct" words as proof of that superiority.
    Example: global warming or climate change. The planet's climate has been changing since its formation and it will continue regardless of what we do. The people who use this to control others are, I believe, the same type of people who, when people lived in tribes, would offer to intercede with the river, forest or mountain gods to bring good hunting or gathering (if only you will bring offerings to my tent).
    In conclusion, I believe that current politics is a battle between regular people and those that have remained the seventh grade mean kids.

  5. The mandates and edicts coming out of Mordor On The Potomac don't make sense....if you think about them in terms of effective healthcare choices. But if you look at them as being what the truly are.....efforts to support a blatant power grab they make perfect sense.

  6. Subscribe to , and read some of the articles starting to come out.
    The veil is being withdrawn one article at a time on the One World Government's great reset.
    These motherfuckers want us in chains while they rape and pillage in the name of controlling global climate change.
    Their custom designed bug isn't quite doing the job they had hoped.
    Us plebes found ways to overcome it without their billion dollar gene therapy injections, and now the long knives are coming out.

  7. Look at the govt control world wide over a virus that is not much worse than the Flu season, this whole thing is about "control" not public safety. I often wonder if the ramping up of taking away your rights is a deliberate action to provoke a rebellious response. At some point weapons will be used against govt thus leading to an attempt of confiscation of all guns which is the democrats dream come true.


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