
Thursday, September 09, 2021

California Aims To Restrict Use Of Rubber Bullets, Chemical Irritants At Protests

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — California would restrict the use of rubber bullets and chemical irritants during protests under legislation advanced Thursday in the wake of last year’s widespread public demonstrations over racial injustice. A similar bill died last year. 

The bill would set statewide standards for using the weapons that advocates say sometimes harmed peaceful protesters. Police say they are needed to prevent violence and are often better than the alternatives.


Quick question: If they're peaceful protestors, why would the police be using tear gas and weapons that fire rubber bullets?


  1. I am all for stopping the use of rubber bullets.
    Lead is the only way to stop those thugs.

  2. "Mostly Peaceful", fixed it for them.

  3. I've never been gassed or shot. My super secret genius technique is to NOT be there.
    It ain't rock surgery.

  4. No problem.

    Plenty of us "deplorables" use lead.

  5. This is your standard gummymint dumbassery at work;
    Peaceful protest - why would weapons of any kind be needed.
    Non-peaceful protest - with the inclusion of looting, burning, vandalism, outright riotous behavior, and display of full on dumbfuckery, use gas and lead, AKA; the real shit, with the inclusion of the occasional flamenwerfer, just to keep the more retarded in line.

    1. Peaceful protest = collectivists attacking normies and evil businesses. No need for police to intervene, unless it becomes a....

      Violent protest = normies, Right-wingers, Xtianists, or other counter-revolutionary types do anything to a collectivist shock trooper. Once it's violent, they'll just break heads until "order" is restored.

  6. The definition of "peaceful" depends on the ethnic group involved. It has ZERO relationship to what the people are actually doing. Here is the 2021 Guide to Protests.

    Peaceful: Black and/or brown people doing anything.

    Violent: more than two white people assembled and failing to bow, scrape, and tug their forelocks when confronted by LEOs or by Black people.

    Insurrection and Threat-to-Democracy: any number of conservative white people in a public place opposing the status quo.

  7. Always asking the difficult questions, Kenny...

  8. Water cannon with the main tank loaded from the local sewage treatment plant.
    Nah! Just water I guess. [Exits stage right mumbling under his breath.)

  9. The commies in Sacramento don't want their brownshirt Pantifa army rats to risk harm as they riot, loot and burn.

  10. I do believe a more lasting impression could be made with just a single pass from an A-10.

  11. Like the Olden Times, when you issued out Hickory Shampoo'ns like there was no tomorrow, and the dirty hippies grew to like it!


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