
Thursday, September 09, 2021

Clarksville? Somebody's meth lab blew up.

CLARKSVILLE, Tenn. (WKRN) — Multiple agencies in Montgomery County spent hours searching for the source of an “unknown phenomena” that involved reports of a loud explosion and the ground shaking. 

Clarksville police said the 911 Dispatch Center received several calls around 9:50 p.m. Saturday about a “loud explosion” being heard. Several of the callers reported they felt the ground shake, as well.


  1. Kenny, soaking your beans overnight with a tablespoon of baking soda will mitigate that problem.

  2. I'm thinking "Tannerite".

  3. Take a large number of unsupervised soldiers on a long weekend and add alcohol.
    Somethings going to blow up.

  4. When the fertilizer plant in West Texas exploded I used Google Maps to measure the straight line distance between West and my parents house. It's almost exactly 30 miles. When the plant blew, my parents house shook.

  5. It's those pesky aliens doin' supersonic flybys in stealth mode. Prolly screwin with the 160th SOAR. Ohio Guy

  6. Some weekend warrior jet jockey running behind and trying to get back before he busts his crew duty day. Wasn’t paying attention to the Mach number..

  7. It’s not like Clarksville shares a border with a major Army post that has a huge impact area for artillery and aerial gunnery. Heck, when I was with the 101, we lived several miles off post and we would still get our china cabinet rattled by artillery on occasion.


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