
Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Choose Your Battles Wisely

After President Biden announced that the federal government was going to force as many people as it possibly could to get vaxed, the deplorable patriots and domestic insurrectionists of the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy immediately took to the Internet to express their outrage. Many of them vowed (some of them quite explicitly) to rise up in armed rebellion against a tyrannical government, which is exactly what the Deep State has been salivating for so that it can initiate a maximum-force crackdown on anyone who opposes the actions of FedGov. 

I have just three words to say to those good patriots who are ready to pledge their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor to overthrow the despotism that is being imposed on them: 



  1. Yup it's a sucker trap and many fall for it because they're non-critical thinking, emotionally-reacting nitwits. If it's one thing the Commie progressives are not it's stupid. They're obsessed, neurotic ideologues playing the long game. They have no other goals in life than totally destroying those who don't bow their heads and toe their line.

  2. So, continue bowing our heads and toe their line....


    1. No, that's not what he's saying.
      Don't fight on their terms.
      What would Henry Bowman do?

    2. No, that's not what he's saying.
      Don't fight on their terms.
      What would Henry Bowman do?

    3. Anon maybe you should attend that rally this month in DC

  3. Whether it's a trap or not is irrelevant. Either you get the poison jab or you fight back. If you get poisoned they win.....if you fight back....they will kill you then demonize you via their complicit media whores. Heads they win, tails you lose.

  4. yup. do not fall for the bullshit. like did anyone recall think the recall in ca. would work ?
    the game is rigged beyond our control or reach anymore, the only way to win is not playing.
    best if we just let them yell at each other and just laugh at them. if they have no one to fight they will fight each other. let them !

  5. I agree w/ the article and Bog's conjecture. You have to find the head to fight it. If we ask 10 people who / what org is the head right now, we'll have 4700 opinions.

    We also need the motive(s). For example, say it's the Rothschilds running this game. What if they want eternal life and realize being able to test drugs on billions of people could give the right scientists the info they need to facilitate that. The smart people figured out that using however many vaxes are here for covid, will give that data. So here we are. We may know the culprits but if we thought it was population control they wanted, we wouldn't act appropriately b/c we didn't understand the motive!

    Or,it's just pure greed. Follow the $ and we find the sources. That's really my best guess.

    Sorry, long winded but I wanted to try and express my thoughts on this.

  6. I think in LA a peaceful protest of the vaccine was not allowed to meet. Yet the left have been rioting and burning our cities, beating old men and women, shooting and stabbing for over a year and they do nothing.

    1. It is time for quiet retaliation... pick your battle/agitators carefully and be the one shot/one kill game and unass out of the area of operations and practice the legion 3S's...

  7. Yeah just let them do their thing while everyone just stands around and lets it happen! Worked for Australia!

  8. Probably - but doesn't mean it doesn't need to be done. Don't be like the British all lined up in shiny red uniforms. Don't sign up for a Giggle account ...

  9. I have ruminated long and hard on this topic and I’ll just say this: there are more of us than them.

    1. But we don't have any F-15s!

    2. We can buy some from the musloids in trashcanistan.

  10. They treat us how we “let” them.....

    It leads to Unintended Consequences..


  11. It's the vaxxed causing the variants. That's viral evolution at work.

    See here:

    Choose your strategy well for you'll likely only get one chance.
    I know precisely what to do to get the big picture (and therefore the solution) but I don't dare print it here.😈

  12. So sit around and keep up the impotent hand wringing?

    Or start breaking things?

    I want to break things. It works for the left.

  13. "the deplorable patriots and domestic insurrectionists of the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy immediately took to the Internet to express their outrage. Many of them vowed (some of them quite explicitly) to rise up in armed rebellion against a tyrannical government"

    Given all the non-war that followed all of the shouts and posts of "WAR!!!!" regarding the election, repeated ad nauseum through the the shenanigans that followed, I don't think this is gonna trigger anything big, either.

  14. Time for that good ol Injun method like the Minutemen exercised. It seemed to be effective. Ya know I often think of these supposed white supremacy groups up in the hills practicing for warfare. I wondered for the longest time why they hadn't done anything. I think what the deal is, is they are not a threat as portrayed to be. I think they just want to be left ta fuck alone.

  15. Farmers know when to plant and when to harvest. So too, should a wise patriot. Ohio Guy

  16. It's just simply amazing how much mayhem can result from a little old can of automotive spray-contact cement.
    Use your imagination, put rocks in the gears any way you can think of.
    Or target leftists to piss them off.

  17. Follow recent advice. "Fuckery, lots of fuckery monkey wrenchs"


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