
Monday, September 06, 2021

Don't forget the glass jars and heavy cans

WELLINGTON, Sept 4 (Reuters) - New Zealand supermarket group Countdown said on Saturday it has removed knives and scissors from its shelves, a day after a man the authorities called an Islamist extremist stabbed six people in one of the company's stores. 

"Last night, we made the decision to temporarily remove all knives and scissors from our shelves while we consider whether we should continue to sell them," said Kiri Hannifin, Countdown's general manager for safety.


  1. Yea, instead of boiling the vermin in pig blood on live TV, inconvenience hundreds of people. This is what's wrong with the entire world's handling of moslem vermin savages and now billions are affected by this BS.

    1. Islamists believe in their culture and believe that it will be triumphant. The West (at least all of its elites and half of its population) hates their culture and wants it destroyed. Place your bets accordingly.

    2. The "elites" are not OF the West. They will be the first to tell you that.

      Some "elites" think they are "citizens of the world" or some such sincere-if-stupid globalist shit. Those are the useful idiots. The more dangerous ones, well, they're special. Narcissists are always difficult to deal with. High-IQ, highly aggressive, psychopathic narcissists, well, that's an entirely different breed of cat.

  2. Hey you Kiwi pussies: Shoe laces can be used as garrotes. They must go.

  3. So I will have to make shanks? Are they allowed to carry Louisville sluggers?

  4. Maybe they should ban islamists?

  5. Ship those jihadi Moooslimes back to whence they came. Or better yet, ship the Sunnis to a Shiite area and vice Verna, get some popcorn and watch the fun begin.

  6. What kind of supermarket has a "general manager for safety" ?

    1. The Kiwi kind, thought that was obvious.

  7. We must ban the ground/floor/resilient horizontal can be a deadly weapon!


  8. Barbers are prolly terrorists incognito.

  9. I thought it was a joke when I first heard it. What's next - a criminal background check to buy a set of steak knives and the banning of darts & dart boards?
    Viva la global revolution!

  10. And even when the police are Right There, there's still a minute where the moslem owns that store.

  11. Why not castrate all men because the crimes of rapists? Spade all women because of the handful of schizophrenic mothers who drown their children in bathtubs? Hell, we could easily prevent all crime. Just place the entire population on heavy tranquilizers. See? No more crime. And complete safety!

    1. 50% of American women are on antidepressants.

  12. Shall I tell you how it will work out (because the exact self same thing was done here in Britain)?

    So ‘ethnics’ repeatedly use sharp objects to attack anyone not an ethnic. The collectivists decide it simply can’t be those lovely brown peoples fault so it must be the object, so they ban it. Then they decide that wandering around with sharp pointy things is a ‘cultural’ thing for ethnics, so allow an exemption to the rules for ethnics. Resulting in the only group ‘not’ misusing an object being the only one banned from owning one, whilst those who do are allowed free rein.

    Seriously, that has really happened here. I, and all the other ist and ic whypeeple, need to prove a “reasonable reason” (proof of age, clear mental health check and secure storage area) to buy a butter knife and will be arrested for carrying a pen-knife, whilst the ethnics literally wander the streets with swords.

    It’s what they do every single time. They never ever punish the actual perpetrators/criminals, they always, but always, punish the innocent. Even when their favoured demographics get caught, they’ll tar the innocent (see Saville) so as to make it seem like it’s not just the ethnic savages committing these crimes.

    It’s too consistent, across the globe, time and multiple events, to be idiocy. It’s intentional. And before you start gloating, the ‘only’ thing that has prevented not just the same, but much worse (since it all originated there), happening there is the 2nd amendment being written into your foundational documents (we had the same here Magna Carta, Bill of Rights, Common Law, but they were easier to circumvent, using the laughably titled ‘EU Civil Rights’ legislation, because they were ‘only’ evolved over centuries).

    Whatever leftist/collectivists do, or say, is ‘always’ the opposite of what they wish/intend.

  13. No joke, sadly our govt was too chickenshit to send him back to where he came from. Instead they let him out to the local mosque and had cops following him around 24/7...

  14. Nothing wrong here that judicisly applied high voltage electricity would not fix.


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