
Thursday, September 09, 2021

Gunman holding a baby shoots at three women during road rage clash

A man armed with a gun is accused of holding a baby as he fired at three women during a road-rage shooting in Ohio, police say. 

The bizarre scene unfolded after two women crashed their vehicles in Cincinnati on Wednesday. A 54-year-old woman said she and another driver were involved in the minor collision that didn’t cause any damage and “words were exchanged” afterward, according to police. 

“I’m gonna go get my man,” the 54-year-old recalled the other woman telling her, police said. “You better go get yours.”


  1. Penn was charged with felonious assault, child endangering and having weapons while under disability.
    So disabled people are not allowed to have weapons? Sounds like an ADA case.

    1. No on the "disability". The article gives the Ohio definition as convicted or indicted felon, drug dependent, or adjudicated mentally incompetent.

    2. The disability referred to was more along the lines of " prohibited person", ie: a convicted felon, under indictment, drug user or alcoholic, documented metal problems, etc, not a physical disability.
      I had to look hard at the article because at first glance it came off that way to me too. The article writer could have used plain English instead of fancy legal talk.

  2. Zippidy Doo Dah. An Uncle Remus. How did I know before I clicked on the news article? I must be getting clairvoyant.

  3. I just knew that the quote was a translation into actual English.

  4. The next mayor of Cincinnati! If Jerry Springer can do it...


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