
Thursday, September 09, 2021

Your Thursday Morning Florida Report

ASTOR, Fla. - Two people were hurt in a shootout on the St. Johns River. 

A new video of a body camera worn by a deputy has been released and shows quick teamwork as that deputy rushes to assist the victims on the river near Astor. 

The shooting started with an argument between people on a boat and some riders on the jet skis, according to investigators.


  1. Way to go deputy! Ohio Guy

  2. No idea what happened from reading the report but one thing I do know, don't fuck with a mans fishing.

  3. Also, Thoreau said, " Many men go fishing all their lives without knowing it's not fish they are after." I always liked that one.

  4. Body cameras are required to show how BAD our police officers are, not how GREAT they are. Time to remove them.

    1. Body cameras do more to protect the cops from wrongful complaints than they do to get them put away. Close scrutiny is irrelevant if you are doing it right.

  5. There's been many times I wanted to shoot jet ski riders when I was trying to fish. I hate those fuckers.


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