
Thursday, September 09, 2021

Lisa needs this for that asshole dog Jack

I've told her time and time again to not hand feed that asshole dog Jack but she did (and still does) anyway. Now she can't eat a snack without him sitting dead off on her ass and bumping her with his nose for a bite.
Me? I don't hand feed the dog and can eat anything I want right in front of him and he pays me no mind at all.


  1. Once you start something like that it's near impossible to stop it. Seven dogs over the last fifty years or so. I've never done treats or snacks. Chow time is the only time I feed my dog. They aren't allowed in the kitchen and sure as hell aint at the supper table begging.

    1. I feed the dicklicker a couple of treats at bedtime, but that's about it.

    2. Jack, the dicklicking asshole.
      Poor Jack.

    3. Kaiser, my 100 lb stray, only gets a couple of dog biscuits. I do cook liver and whole chicken for him, but that goes in a bowl.

  2. I'm ashamed to admit it, but I, too, sometimes have difficulty eating in peace around my animals. Really, it's just two offending dogs and a cat. Sometimes I have to eat standing up. It's worse when bacon is involved. Ohio Guy

  3. I've never fed any of my dogs while I'm eating and nary a one has ever begged.
    My cousin is the opposite, and at the dinner table his dogs are at his feet, buzzing like flies while my dogs were over in the living room sleeping.

    I'm like Bright Eyes. I feed at dinner time. A can of good stuff at the witching hour and kibble available all day long. And all my dogs have lived long and happy lives (17,15,17,16,14 and 18).

  4. If I had my druthers, our labrador would be outdoors during all meal times. I don't, usually. He was *hand fed* by the missus, and gee; now he is a nuisance that gives the ten mile stare to everyone at meals; everyone but me.

    Another case of the human(S) screwing up the process of training. Ugh.

  5. Last comment on bacon. I've been awaiting a bacon post. What ta hell kind of bacon y'all buy? I like thick cut and cooked crisp. Not rock hard not limp. Ya never know what yer getting. I says thick, looks thick ya open it and it's shit lots of the time. I'm thinking of buying a chunk an cutting my own. Any suggestions.

    1. Costco has the good stuff..dry cured, apple cured, all thick sliced and 5 pounds per take.

    2. Baja.
      From a family-operated carnicera ('butcher-shop').
      South of the border, their bacon is the platinum-standard filet-mignon of sweet smoky salty chewy perfection.
      American bacon comes in a package.
      Hurts my eyes.

  6. Wright bacon when I can afford it, Walmart brand when I'm broke. It's hard to find bacon that's not 75% fat any more.
    I like mine fried about like yours.

    1. I try to keep at least 5 pounds of Wright's bacon, in the fridge and/or frozen; and I'm only one old guy. It's the best, and will be part of my survival food... ha ha
      Original Grandpa

    2. Wright's is good stuff, even the fat renders down cleaner.

    3. We buy ours from a local family owned meat processor. The hogs go in one door, and cut, wrapped, and frozen comes out the other side. They have one guy that raises all their hogs, call in and 2-6 weeks later they call you to come pick it up. They will custom slice it and pack it up in any size package you want. Bacon comes in freezer paper at our house.

  7. In the Chicago area I like Alex's Deli bacon. In stores that stock it, it is displayed in the fancy cheese and sausage kiosk. They have numerous varieties, dutch bacon, gypsy bacon, pressed bacon, some Polish names I can't pronounce, and un-sliced ends. I like dutch best. It's all lean (for bacon), but the pressed bacon has little fat, being pressed together from pork trimmings, but not a strong flavor. Alex's Deli is only available in stores, they don't sell retail or on-line.


  8. Ditto on the bacon cooking and I save the rendered fat for other things.

    1. Absolutely on the fat. Always have a mason jar full of it.


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