
Thursday, September 09, 2021

Sounds like ol' Wilbert meant business

ABERDEEN - A five-hour police standoff ended peacefully with an armed suspect in custody, according to a press release by the Monmouth County Prosecutor’s Office. 

At around 8:30 a.m. Saturday, the Aberdeen Township Police Department arrived at a home on Wilson Avenue and found Wilbert Hickman, 45, in the garage. According to the press release, Hickman was armed with a machete, a sword, a nail gun and lighter fluid, among other objects.


  1. None of the things he had were illegal. So, was the threatening somebody? Maybe it said in the article but I didn't see it.

  2. It's New Jersey. When it's next to impossible to get a firearm in a dark blue state a man's gotta make do.


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