
Tuesday, September 07, 2021

Lockdown Under

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it,” George Santayana famously wrote. Apart from a few garbled anecdotes about Captain Cook and Ned Kelly, and something about Aborigines, Australians are, by and large, quite ignorant of their history. Is it any wonder that we’re repeating it? 

Many Americans will have seen the shocking images from last weekend in Melbourne. Tear gas, pepper spray, heavily armored police chanting like soccer hooligans and firing rubber bullets. “The world’s most livable city” suddenly looks more like Belfast in the 1990s.


  1. Australians have some to do's, but who are we to criticize?

  2. Once a penal colony, always a penal colony...I thought they were past that by now.

  3. I gotta say, that is one Huge ass coastline...
    Would be a real shame if enterprising individuals decided to open up an "off the record" import company that specialized in Freedom sticks and pocket sized Personal Liberty Equalizers.

    Not that I would ever advocate armed rebellion against Abusive Public Servants...

    I think Corrupt Politicians deserve a Slow Agonizing Death that makes ALL Public Servants consider carefully their next official act.

    MSG Grumpy

    1. Read a couple comments from Aussies - one on Aesop's site - both contending they have plenty of firearms and know their mates have plenty as well. My brother in law is there and report the same.

  4. It's not so much the descendants of convicts that are the problem,it's the descendants of bloody prison guards that are the problem.

  5. More like Belfast in the 70s and 80s but I never expected to see Australia, the land of 'fair play' descend to this level. God bless the Aussies.

    1. And THAT's why we won't give up our guns here in the US.

  6. History isn't repeated out of ignorance. It is repeated out of avarice and malice.


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