
Sunday, September 26, 2021

Sunday Video 1



  1. 😂😂🤣😂😂🤣🤣😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂

  2. I'm left wondering if she is mocking these kinds of idiots or if she really is that stupid. If the latter someone else must have posted the video.

  3. Brain dead libtard moron. To stupid to understand that dogs are CARNIVORES. They lack the digestive capacity to break down plants into nutrients. Idiots like this shouldn't even be allowed to own pets, let along breed. She needs to be slapped and sterilized so her genetic
    deficiencies aren't passed along.

    1. The only canine that is a true carnivore is the Arctic fox. All other canine species are omnivores. See if a dog you know will eat peanut butter or bread or apples. Most all dogs will.

  4. stupid bitch is a fucking nutjob. I feel for that baby dealing with her stupid ass

  5. Where did you get the Jackass. It aint a Jackass it's a dog. I was talking to the dog.

  6. If dogs could talk: "Shove the lettuce up you ass"!

  7. An inconvenient truth--dogs are carnivores.

  8. I have known dogs that eat vegetables. I have never known a dog that PREFERRED vegetables

    1. Yeah, just one of my 3 dogs likes fruits and veggies, but make no mistake... he gobbles down his ground meat raw diet food with enthusiasm.

    2. I once had a dog that would steal broccoli stalks and carrots from the wife's pet rabbit, but that was just because he was afraid that he might miss out on a treat. Apart from that, you could give him a bowl of peas and gravy, and he would very diligently lick the gravy off the peas.

  9. If that's real, and not trolling (hard to tell these days), that woman should be charged with animal abuse. We had a case here where a couple tried to raise strictly vegetarian dogs and cats, and all the animals starved to death. The owners should have been jailed, but were let off with the prohibition of owning any more animals.

  10. Left wing loon. There isn’t adequate nutrition in salads for dogs, they need meat to thrive. Carrots and apples for snacks are OK.

    Someone needs to call the SPCA on her if she is forcing salads on that dog. And someone needs to punch her in the face too.

  11. This is what we are all could anyone seriously vote for Biden. You can't fix it...... AND, there are 10s of millions just like her.

  12. Another "educated" derelict. I wonder how much she still owes for her faux education?

  13. Definitely a setup. I'm sure that there are plenty of libtards that actually think they can rewire a carnivore into an herbivore, but in this case I think it was set up as a mockumentary. No libtard would post that humiliating result.

    1. I agree. If it was real, the video would have disappeared into the bit-bucket.

      Still funny though.

  14. The FUN part of this will be when the dog decides to eat its "owner" due to malnutrition. I'll wait.... gotta happen soon.

  15. Who you gonna believe? Her? Or your lying eyes?

  16. " I'll just have the salad please"- said no dog, ever. Now, my Bobby dawg eats greenery, in fact he was back in the tomato raised bed this morning, but he will eat anything and the box it came in. He's a rescue who has had hard times. He would have eaten both piles and bitten you in the face if you tried to pull him off.

  17. Canine are opportunistic omnivore scavengers (translated -- they eat anything).
    The species is highly successful going on about eighty million years... because they eat anything.
    Avocado -- check.
    Grapes -- check.
    Cat poop - check.
    Stanky dead fish laying in the sun on the beach -- Yum!

    1. Oh God, that is so funny because it is so true. (...especially that last one.)

    2. So true. Made me laugh too. Ohio Guy

  18. Does this mean you can lead a dog to the salad bar, but you can't make him eat? Or you can lead him to meat and not make him stop eating? Just asking for a friend.

  19. Democrats believe ANYTHING they make up.

  20. Hope that little vegan bites her right on the ass.

  21. Vegetarians, sheesh.

    As the venerable Bernard McGuirk once said, "Who cares what a bunch of ugly lesbians think?"

  22. The leftists are coming after cows just like they're coming after anything related to oil and natural gas. I just read a story yesterday that they're trying to end grazing at Point Reyes National Seashore in the name of 'environmental justice'. The idiots don't realize that grazing herbivores are what allow that place to be so beautiful in the first place.

  23. Seriously, if you really are a vegetarian and want your pets to be vegetarian too, buy a rabbit or a hamster.

  24. Meat is just a K-9 social construct.

  25. Where is peta when the pets need them??


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