
Sunday, September 05, 2021

Sunday Video 9



  1. He must have forgotten he wasn't on the internet. Real life actions have real life consequences!

  2. I hope the driver got out and gave that asshole the beatdown he asked for.

  3. I'm a bicyclist, I ride a moderate number of miles a week. The bicyclist in this video was acting like a jerk, he gives us all a bad name. He deserved what he got.

  4. That'll teach him to move the fuck over.
    Lots of bicyclists are entitled assholes. I've thought about using the same tactics on them myself.

  5. I ride my mountain bike 3 hours daily in summer. I am on the drivers' road. I always stay as close to the curb as possible. This arsehole deserved every bit of what happened to him.

  6. Douchebag Bike boi didn't see that coming !!

  7. Works for me, and I ride.....

  8. Some one did not play well with outhers

  9. the law says bike is 'entitled ' to the entire lane if no bike lane is designated and you would think the van would avail itself of the empty lane to his right (after the car had passed)...i would have taken the route of the first bike when I was a fifty a day rider ,I would cap his bully-ass today.That's vehicular assault.

    1. The a$$ hole bicyclist threw something at the van window. That's what got him shoved into median.

    2. Sorry, the law is wrong. The law also says you must do the speed limit to prevent danger to other parties using the road. Bike D'bags never do that. Ergo, they're breaking the law. You can ask me for more legal pointers if you'd like despite the fact that I'm a veterinarian. :)

  10. Poor driver. I can see how something unexpectedly hitting your windshield could cause an involuntary swerve like that.

  11. I came up behind a bicycle on a corner one day. It was a 35 mph zone. I slowed, hit the blinker and was waiting so I could see around the corner so I could pull around him. He hacked a big glob on my windshield. I pulled along side and a little ahead and hit the windshield washers. I stayed right beside him for a long way and gave that fucker a bath. He was yelling all sorts a shit and me smiling away.

  12. In Maine, due to a similar incident, the commies passed a nanny state law that calls for any vehicle to remain a min of 3' from any bicyclist OTR

  13. riding on someones wheel (tailgating) might elicit some push-back....but I applaud the bike-wash after being lugied ,lol. I've been ashed and trashed when behind someone on the Road King but i'm reminded of the beer-bottle flinging rednecks in the south.

    1. I had seven Harleys. Last two Road Kings. Did more tours than I can count. I've been ashed and trashed too. Had a recap blow by my ear one day and thought the side of my head was gone. it never touched me. Even dodged a diaper once. I know what you say.

  14. When you find out that laws are just words...and automobiles are heavy and dangerous.

  15. most of us were taught that civility is the first line of self-defense

  16. The rider was an ass, he could have gotten over and none of this would have been worth any of our time watching. The law on your side or not, being an ass often comes with a price. In a bike vs car thing that makes the rider a dumb ass because the dummy didn't understand about physics.

  17. If this type of reaction were more common than the precipitation action by the egocentric bicyclist would be very uncommon.

  18. Effin' bikers think they own the roads here, but pay ZERO in road taxes.

  19. Hate them hemp-shorts wearing two-wheeled pansies. The local bike club around here terrorizes traffic on weekend mornings.

  20. Knew before hitting play it was going to be asshole(s) on bikes.

  21. College town. Goths on black bikes at night. Never test Darwin's law against state law.

  22. AND STUPID people worry about a GUN??? MORONS never think about a VEHICLES' I drive a 2500HD DEADLY FORCE! jus saying ?


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