
Monday, September 13, 2021

Tastes like chicken



  1. Some people are crazy then again some people are nuts.

  2. If the teeth don't kill Grizzly Adams Gentle Ben's breath will get the job done.

  3. I hopped off my raft on the S. Fork of the Salmon River to take a leak, beautiful spot, walked back in the woods about 50 feet, spotted 2 small bear cubs about 40 yards away up on a steep rise checking me out, mom suddenly showed up, swatted the 2 young cubs back into the den, piled over the hill charging me, I ran for my raft, launched and made the middle of the river, couldn't pee for 3 hours. F#ckin' bears scare me, they are way faster than you think, she covered that 120 feet in about 5 seconds. If my raft had been tied off I'd been dead. I have never ran that fast since. I don't mess with no bears. My bear ratings: Black bears-scary, grizzly-oh Jesus!, polar bears-you are beyond f#cked.


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