
Wednesday, September 01, 2021

Wet Paper Tiger - STM

As the empire continues to collapse, losing foreign wars but turning inward upon its own citizens with threats and bluster, its military forces will continue to embarrass themselves. In particular, the US Navy will soon be revealed as a wet paper tiger, boasting a carrier battle group (CBG) force structure designed solely to punish small-state defectors from the petrodollar, rather than having any connection whatsoever to the historical missions of power projection and sea control. When faced with a sufficiently determined “near peer” adversary, the CBG is likely to collapse like a house of cards. This is a fact which has been known through wargaming since the mid-1970s, and through internal DoD studies since the late 1950s. The author’s credentials to make the bold claims in this article are substantiated at the end of this piece. Although the predictions are grim, former provinces (i.e., “states”) of the collapsing empire can benefit from the correct interpretations of these issues. In other words, it is completely unnecessary to defeat, or even combat, the dying empire, it is only necessary to not lose to it.


  1. China attacks taiwan in 3…. 2…. 1….

  2. China attacks taiwan in 3…. 2…. 1….

  3. Extend that to the entire US Military...

  4. The future of naval conflict is submarines. While carriers allow us to project force into foreign countries they are massively vulnerable to attack from a competent peer. In a true blue water conflict the country with the best and most submarines will win... especially if they have the best ASW skills.

    1. You mean The Carrier Admirals will try to hang on to the past and make naval conflict All About Them the same way Battleship Admirals did in early WWII?

      Something a Battleship Admiral hated to see in the morning message traffic: "Take station and protect the carrier."

  5. Carriers have always been tempting targets, but that isn't stopping China and Russia from building them. They still have utility, it seems.

  6. Never interfere when your enemy is destroying himself.
    Especially if all that really concerns him, her, it, they, shey, whatever, is that the wrong gender was used in that statement


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