
Wednesday, September 01, 2021

Oughta work

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — Frustrated by out-of-control increases in drug overdose deaths, California’s leaders are trying something radical: They want the state to be the first to pay people to stay sober.


  1. Most of the world already has programs like this. They’re called ‘jobs.’

  2. Paying these addicts will allow them to buy more drugs on the taxpayers’ dime.

  3. So, I'd do some coke and meth, get tested, then never do it again and get tested as often as possible to collect my cash.

  4. Fuckin' Socialists and their fantasies. The only real effective way to keep addicts off the juice is to kill 'em.

  5. That is stupid. Better yet make getting Narcan as easy as getting Insulin or an EpiPen. In a year or two there will be no more OD's.

    1. Um, have you ever bought insulin or an epipen? Both require a doctor's prescription and a shit-ton of money.

      And, really, you can go to your doctor and get a prescription for Narcan and buy it from the local pharmacy for less than you pay for an epipen or insulin.

      Fuck it. Ban narcan. Let the fucking druggies die of an overdose. Quit trying to save them. Fuck them, fuck them all.

  6. Only in California. How bout this? ENFORCE THE EFFIN LAWS! Put released criminals back in prison. Severely cut back on free money. No more pandering to parasites. All those losers will either be locked up or move to Portland.

  7. Beginning today, Walgreens is carrying a drug called "LUCEMYRA" to mitigate the withdrawal symptoms of the opioids they sold you. And you only have to steal $300 to get it, assuming the doctor who got you hooked on Oxycontin will give you a script for this, too.


  8. “I thought, I can do 12 weeks. I’ve done that before when my dealer was in jail,” he said. “When I’m done I’ll have 330 bucks to get high with.’”


  9. Overdoses are a natural Darwinian filter. Nothing good ever comes from trying to thwart Darwin.

  10. Let's see... people get money to not grow corn. I don't grow corn, so where's my check? People are now getting money for not shooting people. I don't shoot people, so where's my check? Now people are getting paid to not get drugged up. Where's my check?

    I'm so pissed that my high school guidance counsellor didn't tell me that not doing things could eventually be a job.


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