
Wednesday, September 08, 2021

Why bother?

SACRAMENTO (AP) — A group of election security experts on Thursday called for a rigorous audit of the upcoming recall election for California’s governor after copies of systems used to run elections across the country were released publicly. 

Their letter sent to the secretary of state’s office urges the state to conduct a type of post-election audit that can help detect malicious attempts to interfere.


Seriously, why even bother? The fix was in the moment they started mailing ballots to every legally registered voter (and then some) in the State of California.


  1. I don't know, isn't it encouraging news that some people at least are starting to take the issue of electoral fraud a bit more seriously? Or is the case that they are only pretending to in order to make dodgy elections look legitimate? In the UK we have one or two suspicious goings on. Our main problem is that the government is terrible but the alternatives are even worse.

  2. Who dares wins and the Democrats certainly have the chutzpah daring to lie, cheat and steal to achieve control by any and all means.

  3. it's not just cali. it's in every state.

  4. There will be 120% voter turnout, like in all banana republics

  5. I haven't' lived in Komifornia for 4 years and I still get ballots mailed to me. Luckily, my brother lives in my old house, so I know my ballot won't be voting for dems...

  6. They aren't just mailing ballots to people in Kali. People in OTHER states have received mail in ballots for this farce.

  7. When Gabon Nuisance wins again, the press will put on a hell of a cry foul show for the sheeple. Voting, Carlin was right. Vote democrat to put those sorry ass rino's out of their cushy jobs.

  8. Very worrisome how folks choose to stay in the matrix after being awakened from their dream state. Ohio Guy

  9. I am a Cal resident, living out of the country.
    At my state side address, I received an unasked for ballot.
    Following my name in the address box is:
    Most secure election ever ....................


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