
Friday, October 29, 2021

"Anybody else feel that bump?"

BRUNSWICK COUNTY, Va. (WRIC) – A 61-year-old man was trying to give his brother a ride when he ran him over, said Virginia State Police.


  1. I get laws but damn. The son of a bitch run over and killed his own brother and ya give him a ticket? Come on man. Poor bastard will live with what he did the rest of his life. Moments like this I say fuck a bunch a laws and their god damned ticket books.

    1. I absolutely agree with you 100%. That poor bastard just killed his big brother in a terrible accident that would bring anyone to their knees in complete sorrow and those vermin basically gave him a ticket for a parking violation.

  2. I see another hole punched in the ticket quota ticket.

  3. Not surprising in VA. The troopers here trend toward being complete assholes. I live in a county that borders Brunswick County. We had a trooper on a fatal accident scene threaten to arrest my fire chief for not opening the lane that was being blocked by the ladder truck we were using to recover the body from a 20 foot drop off in the median.

    Jeremy P.

    1. You solve that by turning control over to trooper and leaving the scene, unfinished.

      Spent 10 yrs on an air-evac and the most asshole were state troopers and city police. Even had a police officer allow traffic to run 45 mph 10' from where I was working a car wreck. Told him he either shuts it down now or he can fookin take care of ALL the medical. Sheriff deputy on-scene dressed down the officer and took over the scene. (in that state, sheriff had the highest authority, including over state troopers).


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