
Sunday, October 31, 2021

Sunday Video 1



  1. I love my cat, and he has the same need for attention as this dog, but I have sent that MF flying a couple times when he sneezes on me.

  2. two of my dogs do the exact same thing

    1. My favorite cow dog of all time used to jump into my arms in a single bound. He'd be standing at my feet one second and the next he'd be chest high wanting to get grabbed.

      You might think he'd need to get disciplined about that, but being the perfect dog he always knew exactly when to do it, which was generally when I was wearing coveralls.

      Miss you, Boyd.

  3. What's the point of having a dog if you are not going to cherish it and give it the time, attention and love it needs? Dogs only give all this back ... by a factor of 10.

  4. Dogs are like women always need reassurance and attention during a football game. Except shut up once you start petting them.


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