
Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Been there

 That's about a hundred miles south of where I was stationed and I stumbled upon it on one of my wanderings. It struck me as kind of gaudy - as soon as you walk in, you're overwhelmed and you can't really appreciate everything there because there's just so much, you know what I mean?


  1. And that is just the gent's wash room.

  2. Been there too. The late baroque churches in Bavaria are indeed a bit "over the top" for our modern taste, although they are often true masterpieces of art and craftsmanship. Early baroque is less OTT.

    I got a pleasant contrasting surprise in the other direction when I stumbled on a non-Baroque basilica in Bavaria, St. Michael's in Altenstadt. Pure, simple retro-Roman architecture and furnishing. So "cool", it could almost be a Scandinavian Lutheran church.,_Upper_Bavaria

    1. Thanks for posting that. St Michael's is lovely. Puts me in mind of some Cistercian architecture.

  3. Maybe the architect was a Romanian gypsy.

  4. Also, I'd be walking round in there thinking shit was gonna break off and fall on my head. Sure I'm willin to go meet the gods that be, just not today.

  5. Looks like the africans left there mark in Bavaria? You do know that only africans can accomplish these kinds of amazing and marvelous achievements?

  6. Those religious types can sure spend the dough on fancy instead of taking care of the poor. Or is it making the poor, poorer?

  7. I know what you mean. I spent some time in Britain, the cathedrals were more austere but very impressive. I wandered into a small church that dated from the 13th century. It was small and the masonry crude but effective, but the total effect was intimate and humbling. I was more at peace there than any other church I had ever entered.

  8. Cleaning lady every day: FML.

  9. I'll bet you saw crazy Ludwig's castle .... dedicated opium/hash room

    1. I've been there 4 times, I think, from the time I was 7. I think I was 21 the last time I visited Neuschwanstein.


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