
Friday, October 01, 2021

Gerry Rafferty

 Right Down the Line  (4:30 minutes)

Baker Street  (6:11 minutes)


  1. Great tunes, thanks. Lots of memories with those.

  2. Haha. Just listening to steamroller blues live James Taylor while burning chicken on the deck and Baker Street is next. Then Hornsby and Hensley.

  3. Many years ago, through a friend, I met Brian Willougby, guitarist with the Strawbs. The conversation got round to Gerry Rafferty and Baker Street's wonderful sax solo. Brian assured us that the sax player, Raphael Ravenscroft, was never known not to be stoned - maybe that was part of the magic!

  4. Great memories.... Some of my favorite music.

  5. I was a kid hangin' out at the swimming pool our little town had finally built after years of donations. These were the kinds of songs played on the radio there. Good times/memories. Ohio Guy


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