
Friday, October 01, 2021

Fucking youngsters are smarter than I thought

Young investors have a new strategy: watching financial disclosures of sitting members of Congress for stock tips. 

Among a certain community of individual investors on TikTok, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's stock trading disclosures are a treasure trove. "Shouts out to Nancy Pelosi, the stock market's biggest whale," said user 'ceowatchlist.' Another said, "I've come to the conclusion that Nancy Pelosi is a psychic," while adding that she is the "queen of investing."


  1. Yep. I would have been doing the same thing if I had spare money to invest in stocks. DC critters know which companies will get contracts, which will be favored by law, and which will be hurt by law.

    I'm probably going to start smaller when my business is fine tuned; invest in tax liens, etc.


    1. "Which will be favored by the law"?
      Yes, THEY make the law.

  2. I found out about a web site that tracked the financial disclosures of sitting members of Congress about 6 years ago. I have done quite well with a small investment.

  3. Senator Di Fi invested a million in Tesla the day before Biden announced an all electric government fleet. She sure was lucky.

  4. Politicians have been allowed to insider trade for centuries. Using their spouse as the buyer. If someone could super speed read the latest 2500 page 3.5 trillion dollar spending bill, they would find enough pork grease to live happy ever after.

  5. Spot on about the DC critters, but I'll stick with cryptocurrency while playing with other peoples money.

  6. It's called INSIDER TRADING. Pelosi has engaged in it from the moment she bought herself a House seat. She belongs in prison.

  7. Now that they know people are doing it, they'll make it illegal to trade on their trading on inside information.

  8. Good for these guys! If you can’t beat ‘em …

  9. Would seem to me that by the time we know what the criminals bought, the big gains would already have been made.

  10. Not quite, Charlie. The "gains" in "investments" are to launder the bigger money from bribes/kickbacks, campaign contribution diversion, etc. Smaller amounts are laundered through "honoraria" (10 min 100K speech for example) Us peons can still do pretty good following the Congresscriminals. A buddy of mine has been doing it for years

  11. Won't do much good after their lead injections. WSJ had a story on a bunch of judges doing a similar thing


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