
Friday, October 01, 2021

Commentary: Three Proposed Solutions for Regaining Our Digital Liberty

It is inarguable that by financially crippling, socially segregating, and digitally banishing politically irksome people and enterprises, the big tech cartel is flouting the spirit, if not the strict letter, of the Civil Rights Act. 

For how do you make a living if your banking options increasingly are curtailed and constantly threatened, and your ability to electronically communicate with clients is likewise circumscribed?


  1. better yet, we shoot them in the face until they quite.

    1. I was going to comment, "we shoot them in the fucking face!"

      ... great minds think alike!

  2. Or just threaten the social media empires with loss of the protection of section 230. If they are going to censor posts made on their platforms, then they should be held accountable for every single post that is on their platform. So if someone decides to kill themselves due to a post on FB, guess what, the family sues not the person who wrote the post, but FB itself.
    The social media companies love to hide behind laws when it benefits them, but when the law could harm them, oh no, they don't want any part of that.
    Just like the gun companies and their protection under the law when some nutjob kills a bunch of school kids. The law rightly shields them from the family suing them. Imaging if the government threatened to take that shield away. Right, now imagine doing that same thing to the big social media companies. Now you see the fear that would hit those POS.

  3. If there ever is an Unwoke congress and president elected ever again the first thing to go should be Section 230 in its entirety


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