
Friday, October 08, 2021

In A Civil War The Authoritarian Left Would Be Easily Beaten – But It Won’t End There

There are a lot of assumptions and misconceptions when it comes to the notion of a second civil war within the US. What I see most often is the argument that the political left has “already won” the war without firing a shot and that a rebellion would be crushed under the heel of a newly a-wokened military industrial complex and a leftist controlled federal government. The problem is, this argument is extremely naive and ignores the bigger picture. 

I think there are a couple of reasons why certain people press the leftist supremacy theory: First, they greatly fear the idea of a kinetic war breaking out and find the idea of combat repellent. So, they act as if a shooting war cannot ever be won. They hide their fear behind a veil of “rationalism” and thin hopes of a completely passive resistance. They figure that if they can’t fight and win, then no one else can fight and win. 

Second, the motives of some of these people are more nefarious than fearful. One of the primary functions of 4th Generation (psychological) warfare is to convince a target population that “resistance is futile.” If you can make them believe that winning is impossible then they may not fight at all, and thus the prophecy is self fulfilling.


  1. Even if we can't win, and that's debateable, there's nothing wrong with takng a whole crop of pinko commies with us to the other side....

  2. I firmly believe the only way to turn things around I'd to start stackin' bodies. A lot of 'em. I am a willing follower, I need a leader.

  3. As a Brit, I wish the USA well. But it seems like the nation has a cancer or gangrene that will kill its host unless excised.
    As for the International or UN intervention? You jest. What was the last such venture to succeed without succumbing to corruption, incompetence and cowardace.
    The thing to beware is the biological weapon, which cowards can safely devise in unfriendly nations. Wohan anybody. What if the weapon had escaped too early before perfection.
    But, anyway, God Bless America. A nation full of nice people.

    1. Thank you.
      It's cool though, we don't want nor need International or UN intervention - we prefer to handle our own problems in house.

    2. Brandon's article references the UN as a predicted force to take down America, not to aid America. However, the UN won't be necessary to destroy the US; those forces are crossing into the country every week to combine with the already established so-called sleeper cells.

      I wonder what the long-term effects of the vax will contribute to this conflict?

  4. ... and then he had to go and ruin it with civnat bullshit.


  5. The author ignores history to make an assumption the military (including law enforcement) won't be unleashed against the citizens of this country.


  6. Why would the commies want to escalate to civil war? They’ve been incrementally beating us patiently for decades fighting a war that they understand and we don’t. Why on earth would they want to escalate to a war they would lose?

  7. Woo is Clif High....????


  8. The fight wont progress to bullets as long as they control the narrative.

    Their psy ops have a firm grip this country. Pro gov will always win and pro freedom will always lose until this is fixed.


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