
Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Is there a BLM rally somewhere I haven't heard about?



  1. Stocking up on chicken treats.

  2. Speaking of BLM rally's. On Maui they had a couple of those rallies with maybe a couple hundred people showing up. The same with the lgbt crap. The liberal rag, MauiNow, was all over them. Lots of pictures, videos, interviews and big write up. Last Saturday nearly four thousand people marched opposing the covid restrictions and suppression of freedoms that are in place on the Island. Maui News reported none, I mean zero, of this. Their silence was deafening. There were speakers from all over including the mainland. Four thousand people! Plus cars honking horns in support, giving thumbs up and yelling "Lets Go Valentino!" who is the Mayor. Just thought some of ya might like to know. Fuck the liberal media.

  3. At least they’re not stealing them

  4. If it was a BLM rally, the melons would have been stolen and the store burned. Shiftless A**holes.

  5. Implants for those wantin' a Kardashian butt?

  6. I did nearly the same thing a few years ago with cabbage.
    Needed #200 to make sauerkraut, and our local farmer had a really bad season.
    Not a lot of Germans showed up, mostly the Irish watch the German side work.

  7. Last time I looked, pasty-faced snowballs weren't much into watermelons.


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