
Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Meanwhile, in da hood...

A 14-year-old boy has been detained in the shooting of a Los Angeles police officer who was driving to work in the Historic South-Central neighborhood early Thursday morning.


  1. I worked in that area to pay for college (UCLA) in the late 70s and I find it hard to believe. I do believe the kid would do that but he would high tail it and not get caught. I think it was a gang initiation and when I was in south central LA I saw many drive bys and results from attacks.

  2. Hey Kenny;

    Must be Rumspringa again.......

  3. "Historic South-Central". You can't make this shit up.

  4. So, they are calling south-central “historic” now…

  5. Hey, for anyone that might be a horn dog like me, I found the report to be quite a looker. Google "christina pascucci" images. She's easy on the eyes that's for sure. Thanks, you may Continue on with your day.

  6. LA gangs have used 14 and under kids as shooters for many years because no matter how many first degree murders they are convicted of, they are in the juvenile system, and are released with no record at age 21.
    John in Indy

  7. Years ago, Weatherby used to be located in that general area as was Pepperdine University. Both have moved to nicer digs. I took some classes on the old Pepperdine Campus before they completely moved and drove through a good chunk of South Central on my way home. (Oddly there were no women in any of my classes) I found a different route home after driving by a Sheriffs Deputy crouched behind a wall with a shotgun. Things haven't improved in the intervening forty years.

  8. I understand that the homeboys moved all the lacks out of Compton. Florence and Normandy, what a wasteland.


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