
Monday, October 04, 2021

My Deepest Sympathies

Jessica Berg Wilson Oct. 29, 1983 - Sept. 7, 2021 

Jessica Berg Wilson, 37, of Seattle, Wash., passed away unexpectedly Sept. 7, 2021 from COVID-19 Vaccine-Induced Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia (VITT) surrounded by her loving family. 
Jessica was an exceptionally healthy and vibrant 37-year-old young mother with no underlying health conditions. Jessica was born Oct. 29, 1983 to Arthur and Gwen Berg in Portland, Ore.....


  1. That is why so many of us refuse to take this poison jab that our leaders are trying to force us to take or we are shunned by a society of suckers.

    Wait until the full effects of this non vaccine are so apparent that even the suckers will have serious regret.

    1. Agreed. Mandatory death jab for politicans in the congress? Hmm. Nope. Mandatory death jabs for the military? Fur shure. You got that? Natural immunity marginalized? Never heard of them. Are they a anti vaxer heavy speed metal death cult band - kinda like the beegee's? HUH?

    2. "Wait until the full effects of this non vaccine are so apparent that even the suckers will have serious regret."

      Yep, be a damned shame when we have to raise your taxes to deal with that "unforeseen public health crisis". A damned shame.
      - The Government

  2. Hang the entire school board.

  3. Very sad - and even more shameful, Twitter flagged her obit as misleading because of the rarity of the reaction - I hate twitter and libs.

  4. Those who bring the sickness, bring the cure!

    1. No cure was / is / will be forthcoming.
      Sars-COVID-19 for the fear and death of the old
      NonVaxx for the death of the younger.
      This is a VERY old scheme...
      -Just A Chemist

  5. My sympathies are with the children, they will not know nor remember much of their Mother.

    Why do otherwise intelligent people cave to this BS? She had a lot of options to raise her children along side her husband without getting poisoned by the Pharm/Gov't Complex.

  6. So technicians at Twitter are more qualified to diagnose cause of death than her doctor? Who knew?

  7. But according to the CDC, the pharmaceutical companies and the government the jab is " mostly " safe. Lying bastards
    My condolences to the family and friends of Jessica Berg Wilson, Rest in peace young lady.

    1. By their standard, if less than 50% of people drop dead with the needle still in their arm, it's mostly safe. After that, every death is questioned and responsibility push on to others.

  8. There is going to be hell to pay for this b.s.

    1. *giggle* Or, you know, not....
      - The Government and Big Pharma

  9. It's been the plan all along to rid the world of the majority of it's population. it's the coming ole /cold season and the timeline is stretching out so more and more of the vexed will be showing up dining or with severe health conditions that are non-reversible. By this time next year, if not sooner, they will not be able to hide the numbers.

  10. They will put a spin on it so's it wasn't the vaccine.

  11. Some people will get sick immediately after an injection and others will make it through 1, 2 or 3 boosters before the trillions of spike proteins overwhelm the latest variant.

    Don't get on that ride.

  12. Kind of hard to follow the science when the government and social media completely erase and delete one side of the argument

  13. Thrombosis -- blood clots.
    Incidence is 'extremely low', and risks are outweighed by 'benefits against' the S.A.R.S.-CoV2 [hoax].
    Explain that to the husband and daughters.

  14. I can only imagine what they're paying these scumbags in the United States.


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