
Thursday, October 07, 2021

New Leak Shows The ATF Doubling In Size Within Five Years

MARTINSBURG, WV –-( News has learned from a leaked Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) video conference meeting that the agency is looking to double its size over the next five years.


  1. The exact opposite of what should be happening with all agencies.

    1. Except for Border Patrol. Double, hell, triple the size. Give 'em machine guns and license to use them.

    2. Exactly, that is why so many of us are not that concerned with the budget bullshit they pull every few years. The few times they have "shut the GOV down" it was no biggie except for the a-hole Obama who did pretty much everything he could to close things the average blue joe uses even when no real cost savings.
      Anyone of us reading this blog could balance the budget in one session, maybe two at most.

  2. Yep. never let a manufactured crisis go to waste. ATF, CIA and FBI need to be defunded. Not that it will happen. If you want an endless program give it to the government. the only way it will stop is if the government folds.

  3. Creating a target rich environment

  4. Yeah, because alcohol and tobacco are so high on the government's list of "problems"...

  5. Almost all the Fed agencies are slated for expansion. The commie left still doesn't trust .Mil to obey their criminal orders so they are building up the Fed police structure to be their private army.

  6. COOL !!!!
    We each get to have our own personal agent !!!

    (not a duplicate, it was in the wrong thread !!)

  7. That's not a bad leak, no need to take it to the transmission shop yet... Oh wait, I read that wrong..

  8. When they drop all their cool tacti gear it will be free to pick up. Most .gov employees are fucking slugs, aahh thats why they go for .gov jobs. Real people create shit or provide a needed service in the community. .gov just spends our tax $ and swallows up everything in its ugly path.

    Hips and heads, say it with me HIPS AND HEADS. Those of us trained on center of mass need to repeat it over, and over , and over, and over over over over. Hips and heads. Then pick up the shit Santa left for ya?

    Saber 7

  9. Hopefully this will result in tax stamp reviews being cut down to a few months rather than a year (which is what my most recent tax stamp review took).

  10. Meh, just more targets.

    Cav you know what you call a slow bullet?

    A slug


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