
Monday, October 04, 2021

So once again, I'm suspended from Facebook

For what, you ask?

For posting this picture:

Okay, maybe it wasn't the picture but the text I added saying that ground beef tacos are an abomination in the eyes of God and if you tried to feed me that shit instead of carne asada, I'd shoot you in the kneecaps, then I'd make you bury them so that asshole dog Jack doesn't eat them.
I may be suspended for a week but I'm not backing down from that stance.


  1. SMH, damn it man

  2. I'd let ya touch my butt fer a taco, but then again my standards are pretty low.

  3. Today (October 4th) is National Taco Day!

    1. Fuck, I just ordered Chick Filet...

  4. Looka a here boy! The 'Cutter gots hisself a third merit badge with the oak leaf cluster. Dang Buddy! Yee Haw. Keep up the good work.

  5. Are those beef flap tacos? Asking for a friend. Nemo

  6. I don't get it. Why do you think ground beef tacos are an abomination? I am a Norwegian by blood and I love tacos.

    1. If you've never had a carne asada taco, I don't know how to explain it to you.

    2. I always go for the steak. I googled why Taco Bell's beef was orange and found out it is only 30% real beef. Not 30% beef. All else is filler. Never again

    3. The best beef tacos are when the beef is basically melted. Take a tough chunk of roast full of fat and cook it till it falls apart. That's the meat you make tacos with.

      I'll eat ground beef tacos if I can't get melted beef tacos. But I won't eat Taco Bell.

  7. I think you either broke FB or they banned me too. I can't get it to load.....

  8. Most of the time when you get carne asada tacos in this area, you get tough stringy fajita meat. Ground beef tacos are mostly grease. Good tacos are hard to find, and usually sold from a roaming Taco Truck. The current trend is for "artisinal" street tacos. Tacos with Quinoa, Tofu, and Kale are truly reasons for knee-capping and burial.

    1. I make my own carne asada tacos and they're as good as any I've gotten off a taco truck.

      You try and slip kale or tofu on anything that I eat and it's cause for an asswhipping for sure. I'm not entirely sure what quinoa is, though.

    2. Come the day you'll be lucky to get real tofu.

      In the future: You'll eat mealworms as a treat, own nothing, and be happy. You'll also be the color of cafe-au-lait with loose curly dark hair and have a broad nose. But fear not! "Real human beings" with triple-digit IQs will look after your every need and ensure that you don't strain your low-80's IQ thinking about scary difficult concepts such as ordered liberty under law and personal responsibility. Those few, selected, real humans will eat beef. And they'll possibly also eat the bodies of your better-looking children after they've hit puberty and aren't fun to "play" with any more.

  9. I like the assumption that that's ground beef in those tacos. I also hate that that "that that's" thing is correct grammer. Having said all that I recently grilled the flank steaks off the home grown steer a friend raised that I had in the freezer and made real fajitas. As far a s the touching of butts is concerned I have nothing to add to all of that.

  10. only a month (again) for me; the Pakistani wienies simply do not have the ability to understand either American English or American humor.

  11. Welcome, I've got 4 days left...

  12. Everyone is banned from Facebook at the moment.

  13. Replies
    1. There’s a little taco shop/Mexican grocery down the street that does good carne asada and al pastor, too. They’ve also got one called campechanos, which is carne asada, chorizo and chicharron. Good stuff.

  14. If those tacos in the photograph are commercial -- such as Taco Bell -- the simulated meat-styled product is probably soy... aka 'textured vegetable protein'.

  15. living my life out here on the Kansas prairie I have never seen tacos sold amy way but ground beef. Maybe that is why I rarely eat tacos. Some skirt steak in there would have to be an improvement.

  16. My wife says I'm crazy for walking out of "Mexican" restaurants because they say yes when I ask if they make tacos with ground beef, so it's nice to read stuff from another proper Taco connoisseur.

    I've had to walk out of restaurants actually in Mexico, but so far only in tourist areas.

  17. If it ain't shredded or carnitas, it's not worth eating.

  18. Good to see you stand by your principles, Wirecutter.

  19. Plus, "crunchy tacos" are not really tacos.


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