
Friday, November 12, 2021

ATF Raids Lake of the Ozarks Gun Store Confiscates All Firearms

Agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, ATF, raided the Skelton Tactical gun shop, in Osage Beach, at approximately 8:30 a.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 9.

According to the gun shop owner Jim Skelton, approximately fifteen agents entered the shop, seven deep, in full riot gear, bearing automatic weapons.

“They questioned me as to how I had been selling firearms.”

Jim said the ATF alleges:
-Bear Claw Chris Lapp


  1. The government agents do not need to arrest him.
    They arrested his property.
    Now, he must prove his property is legit.

    1. And a lot of times the agency will destroy the firearm, say they're "sorry", and owe a grand total of $50 per firearm destroyed.

  2. Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms should be the name of a store. Maybe a chain with local variation. Like, Dallas based "ATF and Sweet Mop BBQ." or North Carolina based "ATF and Atlantic Beach Fishing Rigs," or Seattle based "ATF and Tent Camping in the Park." Well, maybe not that one...

  3. I got this when I clicked on the link.


    You don't have permission to access this resource.

    Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request."

    Michael in Nelson

    1. Turn off your VPN and it loads.

  4. And so it begins. They raided they shop and the owner is still out? That seems a little off

    1. The Right always thinks that the government will come at them with SWAT guys stacked up. While your average bureaucrat might be stupid enough to default to that, the guys who drive this stuff tend to be smart and creative in really evil ways.

  5. From the article:

    "Ham said there were no arrests, no one is in federal custody, and there were no plans to arrest anyone even at the conclusion of Tuesday’s search warrant."

    Keep it up motherfuckers...

  6. wait....a woman filled out the paperwork for the male purchaser???
    that seems like a straw purchase....and is illegal. it's on the background this purchase for your own use?? lieing on the form is also a crime.

    1. Really ? Taking the side of the feds when they're over their heads in treason and sedition. You sir are either an idiot or complicit


    2. The question (12a) "Are you the actual buyer of the firearm(s) listed on this form?" is the first question on a form 4473.

      At the bottom the form says "I understand that answering 'yes' to question 12a when I am not the actual buyer of the firearm is a crime punishable as a felony".

      If the female agent signed the form she committed a felony. But then we all know federal laws don't apply to federal agents.

    3. Cops are allowed to lie don't you know.

      A few years back, Mark Kelly was going around trying to illegally purchase firearms in order to bust sellers and make his anti gun claims come true. When shop owners contacted the atf, they were told to just let him go. They didn't care.

    4. But as stated before, How was the shop owner supposed to know she was or wasn't lying? If the shop owner asked her if she was lying and she said no, what is he supposed to do about it? The burden of proof falls on the ATF to prove the shop owner knew she was or wan't lying. Very hard to prove unit in court. And even then swearing to tell the truth and the whole truth so help you God does not mean you are still going to tell the truth. Most people will, but then again, there are those that won't.
      Just look at comrade slo jo in chief and his minions, they couldn't tell the truth about anything if their lives depended on it, they don't know how.

    5. If she "filled out the form for him", reading the questions to him, and he signed it, there should be no problem. Literacy is not a prerequisite to legally buying a gun. Nor apparently, to getting a drivers' license, as many people as I see ignoring stop signs.
      Pre-1899 firearms are in the "Curio and Relic" category, and no 4473 is Federally required, though some State laws require them even for muzzleloaders.
      A person-to-person sale is currently legal, but for an FFL holder, he needs to be able to show that it was a personal weapon, and not an off-books sale.
      Yes, the legal presumption is exactly the opposite, but particularly for the ATF, the process IS the punishment.
      I have seen the ATF Criminal Division refuse to investigate or prosecute the transfer of multiple firearms to an adjudicated mental patient, after direct notice of the facts. They said "call the local police. We're not interested in that".
      John in Indy
      John in Indy

  7. I was typing a comment and said to myself... don't write that. delete

    No longer the country I was born in.

  8. They will destroy his business even if he is innocent.

  9. These agents have names, address, and a routine. Find, Follow, Fix. At some point enough is enough. They are not untouchable. These are your domestic enemies, the enforces of .gov. What a sad pitiful country we have become.

    1. This right here seems to be the only answer.

    2. All govt agents are not near as smart as they think they are. Most of them are as lazy and as dishonest as whoever they are persecuting at the moment. The only difference is that they have an unlimited budget. I do agree that they are the domestic enemies and terrorists.

  10. Fuck the fucking fuckers before the fucking fuckers fuck you....

  11. An ATF squad likes this needs to meet up with an IED somewhere.

  12. Just fyi, typically even typing something in a form online is sent immediately, every single character, as you type it. Thus, even if you erase it, it was still recorded. How else do you think the rapid browser address bar searches work, for example? I cannot tell if that is the case for the comment form here, however.

  13. As I wrote on another site, this is just a continuation of their war against FFLs. Back in the day long ago there were "hobby FFLs". People doing a side business out of their homes and such but not their full time job. ATF made life so bad for them most just gave up their FFL. No one selling guns their wet dreams come true.

  14. Welllll.... Taking an individuals gun does not doing any good if they can buy another gun. So they have to take out the sellers first.

  15. Typical F-Troop jackasses..


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