
Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Biden administration ‘looking at every tool in arsenal’ to address gas price hike

Ahead of the Thanksgiving travel season, gas prices have reached staggering highs with most states averaging $3.42 per gallon for regular gas, according to AAA. 

California topped the list of states with the highest gas price averages at $4.68 per gallon for regular gas as of Friday. 

Meanwhile, during Friday’s White House press briefing, press secretary Jen Psaki noted that the Biden administration is "looking at every tool" in their arsenal to combat the skyrocketing prices of gas.


Every tool except opening the pipelines back up, that is.


  1. ..or suspending the federal gas tax ($ .184/gal)

  2. Except anything that would actually do any good. But as long as they look like they are trying they will get good publicity from the tame media.

  3. I bet they all don't resign. I bet that would help.

  4. Now, in pure lib reaction, joe* has set the federal government onto the oil companies alleging price fixing...

    Talk about fascist. Libs love to weaponize the acronym agencies against citizens.


  5. Tool ONE
    Study everything Trump did
    Tool TWO
    Do THAT!!

    1. Job one for these scum was to undo everything that was accomplished during the Trump years, this be is by design.

      Thanks Brandon!!

  6. Gosh. I recall way back when we were energy independent.

    That was ten months ago.


    1. We - the royal We - are still energy independent. You peasants aren't, but who cares about you.
      - General Secretary Zhao Bai Den

  7. Washington Examiner headline, 11 am Eastern time today-
    "With gas prices rising, Biden administration considers closing yet another pipeline".

    Well, so much for that tool.

  8. Well now. Go find out who owns those northern railroads with all those oil tanker cars, thousands of them. Then go see who owns a ton of stock in those railroads. (Can I mention politicians? Important politicians?) And THEN realize those railroads charge $30 a barrel to haul the oil and the pipelines only charged $10 a barrel. And then realize what's really happening. Then you get a gold start for todays lesson learned.

  9. Put up the Bat Signal for Donald Trump.

  10. Every tool? Must be looking at a mirror.

    Mt Shasta Bilge Rat

  11. Don't drain the Strategic Oil Reserve and sell it to "Asia".
    "Hey! Make sure Ol' Joe gets his 10% off the top, m'kay?"

  12. I read an article somewhere earlier today which stated that Russian tankers would be delivering Russian oil to Boston starting next month. Don't know if it's true or not but it was a reputable, non-MSM news site.

    Maybe that's Biden's plan. Buy oil from one of our two global enemies. It fits right in with all of the rest that lunatic has done in the last 11 months.


  13. "every tool..."

    Does that include that tool, Xiao Bribem?

  14. When Obama was campaigning in 2008, he stated he wanted gas prices to be $5.00 a gallon. Reduce greenhouse gasses by reducing driving. If Brandon is worried about fuel prices, he might be worried they're too low.


  15. The only tool that needs to be considered that needs to be taken out of the White House is Brandon

    Steve the Engineer

  16. Don't think for one minute the demonrats are the only ones at fault. The corporate fuel companies are raping the USA just as fast. Look at the price per barrel and make the comparisons.

    1. News flash Anon:
      Federal and State governments make more 'profit' from taxes and fees on the sale of fuels than do the people who explore for, drill for, transport to refineries, refine, store, transport to retailers and sell at the pump, combined.

      Tell me Anon, who is greedier? And who 'works' harder for their money?
      BTW, were you bitching about the price of fuel at the end of Trump's term, when gas was $2 in some states and around $3 in California?

  17. The administration does have a lot of 'tools' but I don't expect anything productive out of them.

  18. Not *every* "every tool," you stupid peasants. Only every Marxist-approved tool.
    - General Secretary Zhao Bai Den

  19. The Fed and the State make more money in taxes than the producers ever do because they have been heavily regulated for their own good and our safety. The last time these idiots did something is how we got our fuel prices doubled this year alone. If things do not start to get better soon the progressive socialist democrats are going to have to stop helping.

  20. The ONLY tool in goober mints tool box is the taxation and regulation tools, Thats it . Period. Put those tools away and the country will run like it was intended to run form the get go.
    Goomermint is nothing but a nail in a tire you can't pull out.


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