
Friday, November 12, 2021

California High School Teacher in Hot Water After Anti-Conservative Quiz Question

An unnamed social sciences teacher at a high school Sacramento-area high school is facing disciplinary action after an anti-conservative question appeared on a quiz. 

The controversial question was presented in the following manner at Whitney High School:


  1. Firing squad. 7.62 ammo. Head shot. Televise on national prime+time. Record at high frame rate so it can be watched slo-mo over & over.

    1. Enh, too quick. People watching it won't learn nothin'. IV of distilled water - red blood cell cytolysis is both dramatic, and slow. It allows lots of time for repentance.

  2. This sort of Marxist bullshit is inevitable, considering our teachers are paid for by the government. It's against the interests of their employer.

    Because of this, government funded school will ALWAYS tend towards big government's interests. Further, they will push that way has hard and as fast as the parental inattention or ignorance will let them.

    This is why the long and storied history of state nullification of federal overreach isn't taught in schools. This is why the long history of government atrocities committed on their own people (yes, here in the united states) isn't taught in schools. Yes, other governments also have committed atrocities and genocide on their own people, and this is typically not taught in government schools either, but NO public school will teach directly against their own government. No matter how much they deserve it.

    Embarrassing a politician would get them fired or at the very least unofficially sanctioned, after all.

  3. Just so you know, Whitney High School is located in a very tony suburb of Sacramento.

    The good news is that this matter is pretty much blowing up. I think many of today's parents and students are getting wise to this crap and aren't going to put up with it anymore.

  4. On the topic of the American education system, such as it is, this essay was a good read.

    1. Look up John Taylor Gatto's essays. The seven lesson schoolteacher in particular is a good one. He's written several books about the origins and goals of the socialist schooling system.

      In particular, it's working perfectly - exactly as designed. Thus, all calls to "fix" the school systems are misguided. And calls for more funding in particular are completely pointless and even counterproductive.

  5. Nah, like judo, use your opponent's power against him. Write in an answer:"Leftist hate mongering morons like you." Then sit back and let the situation unfold. And laugh mockingly at them. A lot.

  6. Government schools are child abuse.

  7. What was the correct answer? Asking for a friend.


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