
Friday, November 12, 2021

Average gas prices soar to records in Sacramento, Stockton, Modesto

The average price of gas in Sacramento, Stockton, Modesto and other parts of California has soared to record highs in recent days, according to AAA’s gas prices website. 

The gasoline price hikes follow an increase in the price of crude oil and higher demand in Europe, The Associated Press reported.


Taxes... they didn't even mention taxes as to one of the reasons why California gas prices are among the highest in the Nation.
Then there's the switches from summer blends to regular gas, and of course we can't forget about the refinery fires they seem to have anytime gas prices seem to stabilize for more than a month.


  1. Hanging at $3.099 in Duluth. Half the retards are still masked, and methinks vaxxidents are getting in the news...

  2. Don't forget the locally required custom blends. Because who knows petroleum better than Califungus apparatchiks.

    1. Yeah, those are the same brainiacs that mandated MTBE be added to gasoline. Remember that fiasco?

      California Democrats: "Solving the problems only we can create".

  3. And don't forget California's Cap and Trade extortion racket. Last I heard it added 17¢ a gallon on to the existing taxes and can be raised at any time for any reason by the California Air Resources Board. That's on top of all the other taxes and fees already on fuels, including sales tax.

    When CARB first mandated that the fee be placed on fuels it was estimated it would eventually be as much as 76¢ per gallon.

    I just checked Gas Buddy for prices near me. Regular is up to $4.59 and diesel is $5.09.

    I'm guessing any day now the California legislature will be calling for a blue ribbon commission to investigate the oil companies' rolls in the rising prices.

  4. Fuck 'em. They voted for this shit, so I hope they get it as hard as possible.

    1. That's true, 'they' did vote to raise taxes 12¢ cents on gasoline and 20¢ on diesel. It was sold to them by the firefighters union who claimed that poor roads meant longer response times for paramedics and that the tax increase would magically fix roads and save lives. And the low IQ, pro big government voters of California bought it.

      Five years later and the roads are as bad as they've ever been. But the firefighter's pension fund is still solvent.

      California is a shining example of an Idiocracy.

    2. "California is a shining example of an Idiocracy."

      The country elected - or at least ostensibly elected - Carter, Obama, and Biden. Nobody has any bragging rights.

    3. "The country elected.."
      Sure about that?

  5. I recall reading about two, maybe three years ago that the new fuel taxes in CA were to be so significant that the tax would be incrementally phased in.

    Today in AZ I noticed the price of a gallon has increased $1.00 compared to 8 months ago.

    1. Oh you poor dear...November 2020, Regular was $3.09 at my local station here in rural NorCal. This week, it's $4.65. Wait till the voters leaving Commifornia settle in your neck of the woods.

  6. Meanwhile, BidenCo. is raiding the Strategic Petroleum Reserves to help with fuel prices in the USA. Wrong, it's being tanker shipped to Asia.

  7. It was May of 2008 & I paid $4.60 a gallon for regular in Eureka on the way outta that shit hole state for the last time. Just got enough to get me to Reno.


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