
Friday, November 19, 2021

Can you say Vaccine?

Nearly 10,000 more people than usual have died in the past four months from non-Covid reasons, as experts called for an urgent government inquiry into whether the deaths were preventable. 


So in the last 4-6 months they've had an unusual increase of deaths, coming after a year of a massive push to get vaccinated for covid.
Over the last month, I've been sent several photos of billboards and wraps on buses proclaiming that it's normal for kids to have strokes and heart attacks. Read that again. I've never heard of a kid having a stroke. I'm not saying it doesn't happen, what I am saying is it happens so rarely that when you do hear about it, you have one of those WTF moments. It's damned sure not normal.
I've been sent and have read quite a few obituaries of people, young people mind you, dying unexpectedly. The latest one is HERE.
While all of us deplorables can put two and two together and actually come up with four, the governing medical boards are sitting around and scratching their heads trying to figure out what happened.


  1. Hurry run
    Get that fake vax

  2. They know why but are too afraid to admit they fucked up. You won't find out anyway until 2076....or later

  3. It's all part of the depopulation plan. Haven't you heard about it? It's all the rage!

  4. "While all of us deplorables can put two and two together and actually come up with four, the governing medical boards are sitting around and scratching their heads trying to figure out HOW TO SPIN happened."


  5. I found out a couple of months ago that I have a very slight Atrial Arrhythmia. It's probably been there all my life, and has never caused a problem.

    I wasn't planning to take one of the so-called vaccines, but learning that pretty much slammed the door on the idea.

    Throughout this whole Commie Flu bullshit I haven't had as much as a sniffle anyway.

    1. I have AFIB. Been dealing with it for over 10 years. When it first manifested, the drugs I was given weren't working very well. I had to find out on my own what was triggering episodes. Turns out there's a whole bunch of chemicals in food, especially nitrates and really salty stuff, like bacon, ham and canned food that was doing it. Took me almost a year, with no help from the medical profession, to isolate what was causing it.

      When I had my last Dr's appt, the Pri Care asked me why I hadn't been jabbed. I told her that I have enough heart problems without adding something that has the potential to really screw it up further.

      She started to go into an explanation that there's no link between the jab and heart problems. I laughed at her and told her, in so many words, that she was full of shit.

      No jab for me, EVER.

      If they make it mandatory, let's just say it won't be good for them.


  6. I don't see any mention of this young lady being vaccinated or the cause of death - am I missing it?

  7. If it works to prevent the China flu then;
    Why is the jabbed catching it, even more so than the smart ones who didn't
    Why the never ending propaganda in the media and the cover up of it's failures
    Why the attempts to bribe, scare, ridicule and dox the not jabbed, those who took it should be able to go live their lives without fear
    Why have so many people who got jabbed died suddenly, of no apparent reason, or anything in common but the jab.
    When these answers can be answered with reasonable and believable answers then they can go fuck themselves

  8. If the jab does not kill you right away, it will in the months and years to come as your immune system is compromised and dormant cancers spring to life. The jab is a cancer fertilizer.

    1. Man I hope not, my son, got jabbed 5-6 months ago. It was his decision, he's an adult, to do it and I'm keeping my fingers crossed for him

    2. JD, maybe this will help get info for you

  9. Who is paying for the billboards,bus wrap, newspaper and internet propaganda?

    Follow the money.

    1. The taxpayers are paying for it. Through subsidies and payments to the drug companies.

      You really don't think those "free vaccinations" were courtesy of the drug companies, did you? /s

      (This is intentionally sarcastic, rhetorical, and no response is necessary. I know you're not. Unless you actually are...) ;-)


    2. Let's not forget government produced propaganda aired at no charge as a "public service".

  10. Heart attacks, strokes, and sudden unexplained deaths are not unheard of in younger populations. Normally you would read about one or two a year occurring in young healthy people, often athletes. What IS unusual is the significantly increased numbers. I don't think we have ever seen anything like this before.

  11. It's not just the heart problems. My 23 year old niece, who was told she had to get it to finish her college, developed lumps in her breasts within 2 weeks of the first jab. They took one out and it pulled out like a worm in ground. The biopsy didn't show cancer, they say, but within a week and a half she had to have another lump removed due to its size and very aggressive growth. We are still waiting on the results of that one. To make things worse she had to fight the school because they want her to get the second jab. I told her to think about legal action but I don't know the liability there.

  12. Someone, Mark Steyn, I think, pointed out years ago that for the first time in history, governments had more workers than they really needed. He also pointed out that the one thing governments are really good at is reducing headcount.


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