
Tuesday, November 23, 2021

CBS Caught Pushing Major Lie About Kyle Rittenhouse, Forced to Publish an Embarrassing Correction

The liberal media continues to spread misinformation even as Kyle Rittenhouse has been acquitted of all charges. 

Constitutional scholar and Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz has said the media is responsible for publishing deliberate and willful lies about Rittenhouse. 

CBS reporter Mark Strassman of “Face the Nation” falsely claimed that Kyle Rittenhouse crossed state lines “armed for battle.”

The network issued a correction as they admit to engaging in “oversight in language.”


They're just backtracking like a motherfucker after Kyle saying he was going to pursue civil actions against those who slandered him. You noticed they didn't apologize until after he said that, right?


  1. No apologies should even be accepted, sue the living crap out of all the media and the politicians who continuously slandered him. Hybo

  2. I hope Rittenhouse ends up owning ABCCBSCNNMSNBCNPRWAPONYTLATCHITR. Maybe that's why CNN was recently sold, so the new owner isn't subject to his lawsuit.

    However, all of the those TV talking heads, producers and editorial staffs; print publishers, editors and reporters are ALL going to be lined up and sued into paupersville and rightly so. They'll find out what REAL justice looks like.

    Then there's Joe Buydem. He'll be needing several more large Chinese money infusions after Rittenhouse gets done with him.


  3. What is this obsessive talking point about 'crossing state lines'? They're more concerned about crossing state lines than crossing the country's border.

    1. If you commit certain crimes and then cross state lines, it becomes a federal case. If you haven't committed a crime, it doesn't mean anything, it just sounds important.


    2. Besides, Kyle crossed the state line, but the rifle didn't; it belonged to a friend of his in Kenosha?

      "Why was he carrying a rifle?"

      Because it was illegal for him to carry a handgun, just like it was for Skinny Arm.

  4. “oversight in language.”


    Newspeak for LYING.

    1. Kinda like when Hillary claimed she landed in Bosnia or wherever 'under fire' and she got called on it. She didn't lie, she 'misspoke'.

    2. Yeah, when her plane had to 'corkscrew down' to avoid taking fire. If I remember right Brian Williams was on that flight too.

    3. Anything the media says, believe the opposite. The media is colluding with the Fedgov to take this country down, and Covid was a part of it for genocide and to tank the economy. This is so these idiots can then cause inflation so severe they can buy us off at 2 cents on the worthless dollar.
      What's really scary is what comes's almost curtain time so get ready; we can't let that happen.

  5. “oversight in language.” My trial comes up next week. I'm SURE the judge will buy this shitlib excuse in my third j walking conviction. They may take my shoes and I have to go to walking school.

    1. No shit....
      you got ticketed/arrested for j walking....???? have really pissed those m’fers off....!!!!


    2. Now ain't you glad you lost some shoes in that tragic "boating accident"?

  6. Rittenhouse, Sandmann Agree To Share Joint Custody Of CNN ~ The Babylon Bee

  7. The printed "retraction" should be exhibit A in his lawsuit for damages against them. They admitted they lied about writing. It should be a slam dunk lawsuit.

  8. GoFundMe wouldn't allow a fundraiser for Kyle until after his acquittal but there's already one up to raise bail for the Waukesha terrorist. They also have fundraisers up for BLM and Antifa maggots, including one that's charged with bank robbery.


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