
Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Comfortable Carry

As a lifelong cat lover the primary thing I have learned from them is comfort is of prime importance. It is especially important in carrying a concealed handgun. And, be sure of the following: While I am not a training guru or firearms instructor by any stretch of the imagination, I am well versed on comfort. 

The simple fact is if carrying a handgun is a nuisance you will soon stop carrying one. Upon first obtaining my concealed weapons permit I experimented with carrying a variety of handguns ranging from a Hungarian PA 63 9mm Makarov to 1911’s and even Colt SAA .45’s. I tried normal belt holsters, inside-the-pants holsters, shoulder holsters, crossdraw, and strong-side draw.


I've got a box full of mail order holsters that I couldn't try out before I bought them, finding out later they weren't as comfortable, and in some cases, as concealable as I thought they'd be.


  1. I am too thin to wear much of anything on my belt without it being detected. I found that a Springfield Armory Hellcat in a sticky holster slips nicely into the pocket of a pair of Tru-Spec lightweight tactical pants and is nearly invisible. I ain't going to be able to draw it in a hurry, but it's there should I ever need it.

  2. And it's incredibly comfortable too!

  3. And here I thought it was going to be about carrying. . . cats. Silly me.


    1. No, I don't think I could get a cat in my pocket.

  4. I've got the Galco OWB for my S&W mod 5906. It does good enough in winter because I'm wearing an outer layer and it's easier to conceal without printing. I call it my winter gun.

    Then for my Taurus G2C, I've got an IWB Uncle Mike's, that I don't really like because one time in the barbershop when I got out of the chair, the whole shebang fell out onto the floor. Kinda embarrassing.

    I also have a Sticky Holster, if I can ever find it.

  5. My hometown has a FB page. Someone is always trying to give away kittens. I am no longer allowed to comment on the cat page. Something about saying I would take the entire litter, due to me having a snake. Some people have no sense of humor.
    As for carrying a concealed gun, when first starting out, I read the stories of how I would end up with a box of holsters and laughed at them. I am not laughing now. My first centerfire pistol was a Polish Radom made P-64, in 9mm Makarov. An all steel gun, but small, I got it brand new, never fired, but built in 1969. It came with a military holster, with the flap that went over the top. I took it apart and made it in to a more modern OWB holster. It was basically a PPK copy, but it kicked like a rented mule.
    I could carry that in my front pocked of my jeans, if the need arose. I also at one time had a Taurus G2, made after the fiasco that caused a big recall, and I loved it, but my niece bought it. I am now carrying a Ruger SR9c, one of the last ones that they built. I love this gun, also. But I eventually want to upgrade to a better quality gun. I have my eye on perhaps a Sig, or a CZ USA.
    As for Duke Venturino, I love just about everything he writes. He seems like the kind of guy you would like to hang out with.

  6. I prefer OWB mostly, depending how I am dressed. For that I have two holsters from Dragon Leather Works, one for my " out to dinner" pistol. For really hot weather ( Florida) a fanny pack can't be beat.

  7. Now that cooler weather is here, a large, non snagging coat pocket works for me. Ohio Guy

  8. Now that cooler weather is here in TN, the Galco Miami Classic is very comfortable and easy to wear when working and hiking with a jacket or some other over garment. It allows comfortable carry of a Glock 21 and two 15 round magazines which is an adequate individual handgun carry basic load.


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