
Wednesday, November 24, 2021

No riots for Thanksgiving

BRUNSWICK, Ga. (AP) — All three white men charged in the death of Ahmaud Arbery were convicted of murder Wednesday in the fatal shooting that became part of a larger national reckoning on racial injustice.


  1. There was never any need for anybody to get shot. I don’t see any logic in blaming the victim.

  2. They more or less got what they deserved. They were stupid to video tape the encounter.

  3. I believe Arbery was 'casing' the place they chased him from, he wasn't 'jogging' in f'n street clothes. And his prior criminal history demonstrates who he was.

    But these three guys fucked everything up by the numbers. And with local police encouragement. And they are gonna pay for it.

  4. I have not really followed this case. I knew about it when it happened, and I could not whip up much sympathy for the 3 guys who chased someone who was running down the road, and then shot him. I know, I know, there is much more to it than that. But in the end, it seemed to boil down to pretty much that.
    With two trials ending this week, and the jury system seeming to work correctly in each case, the main thing that strikes me is the question, When are people going to learn that you just can't involve yourself in other people's business in todays environment? Kyle might have had the best of intentions at heart, wanting to help protect a friends neighborhood. And to render first aid to anyone who needed it. But look at what it cost him.
    I have said on a number of occasions, I was an adult when I was 16. I had a job, I was emotionally and physically mature, I treated people the right way, and was well liked by all of my peers and those older than me. And the thing is, I knew enough to not go where it was not my business. It seems to me that Kyle Rittenhouse went to Kenosha not as a good Samaritan, but seeking either validation, or 'shudder' to be in the spotlight, much like that POS David Hogg. I mean, we don't know the kid, nor his motivations for being there. At 17, most young men are more interested in chasing females, not in chasing cameras and riots. Did he act properly, when accosted by that mob? Damn right he did, he did a better job with his gun handling and the way that he attempted to break contact than nearly every police shooting during a no knock warrant that I have ever witnessed. But as we all know, he should not have been there. Oh, legally, he had the right to be there, legally, but it was not the smart move to be there. Because this verdict, while favorable and the only ethically and legally proper one, is not the end of his ordeal, by any means. Even if his name was never again by the media, and no one tried to cause him trouble, eventually it is going to hit him, what he went through, and PTSD will no doubt knock on his door. Let's just hope that he has a safety net already in place, working with him, to keep the losers away from him, and instead he has good, solid people surrounding him. Because if he has a bunch of drunks and such trying to help spend the money that certainly awaits him, the ride he is on will hit a brick wall, and he might not be as lucky the next time.

    1. Watch Kyle's lawyer's interview with CNN's Cuomo. Kyle did not expect what happened, and in 20/20 hindsight would not have gone.

    2. I really appreciate the way you laid this out, covering all the bases. Thank you. -Joely

    3. Ok, let's all stay indoors and not get involved in nothing. Let the idiot socialists declare victory.

    4. Strongly disagree. Kenosha was Kyle's community. He was defending a business in his community, and by extension, the community as a whole. If there were a lot more people with good intentions and guts like Kyle (naive as he was), we wouldn't be in the mess we're in now.

      And no, it's not primarily a negro problem. Joggers have been used as blunt instruments against whites by the people who somehow hate America despite being the most successful and powerful minority within this country.

    5. His job was there, his family was there. It wasn't LA or Seattle this time, this time it was a deliberate and planned attack on a Main Street America town, mostly white.
      It was to show that the reach of beast can touch all of us if we are targeted.

      Imagine if only five other people had been there armed and ready to stop the fires and looting, doing the job the police was ordered not to do; either no one would have died or a lot of people would have been killed.
      There aren't a lot of Soros paid thugs, they keep getting sprung from jail immediately and going right back out to attack us. They can't absorb that many losses.
      And it takes the 'Fun' out of the funkiness.

  5. ...and justice prevails, AGAIN. Nemo

  6. Ahmaud was as much a “Jogger” as I am.
    Speaking as a 67 yr old ff!

    Paul J

  7. "All three white men charged in the death of Ahmaud Arbery were convicted of murder Wednesday in the fatal shooting"

    Unpossible. The media had assured us that the jury was racist because it was almost all Ypipo, and everyone knows that Ypipo would never vote to convict one - let alone three - of their own for killing a black man.

  8. As a Georgia resident I followed this closely. Based on what I observed, this was really the only logical, and correct outcome. Too many things didn't add up with these three stooges. I'm glad the jury went the way they did cause if they didn't, it would really open up a can of questions about how the laws are enforced. Between this verdict and Rittenhouse verdict, any of the leftard morons that think the laws are "pro white" can now quickly be shut down.


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