
Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Got Ivermectin?

A man hospitalized with mysterious seizures and an "altered mental status" had tapeworms living in his brain for decades, according to researchers.


  1. I'm sure he had a high paying job with great health insurance to pay for all this.

  2. Unfortunately ivermectin won't work for this. The drug Praziquantel is what's used in vet medicine. I think it's approved for use in people too.

  3. I took my neighbor with me to the feed store last week and got to talking to Ms Ellen, she along with her husband own the store and finally I asked if they had Ivermection in stock, I use it as a wormer and as heart worm prevention for my dog. She told me, I've been shopping there for about 30 years, they started ordering larger stock of it because of random people coming in looking for it, and they had problems keeping some in stock. So I asked if she was questioning them as to their intended use of it and she laughed so hard she was getting tears in her eyes, oh we know what their intentions are she said.
    So my neighbor is a good guy but not the sharpest tool in the shed asked me what we were talking about when we got in the truck, I reminded him about the nonsense in the news about China flu. This is the medicine the " establishment " doesn't want you to know about because it works.

  4. I freaking HATE when that happens.

  5. Rayvet, I was going to say the same thing. The case could be made for prophylactic shots of Droncit when you live in a tropical area, or hang around pigs.

  6. I've heard of this before, but never an explanation of "how".

    Its an intestinal parasite, AFAIK. Maybe they don't know, or they're just too grossed out.


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