
Thursday, November 11, 2021

Great, now they'll be mandating rabies shots for humans

BOISE, Idaho - An Idaho man died of rabies in the state’s first reported case since 1978, according to a state health department news release. 

The Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, along with Central District Health, announced on Thursday that an unidentified man from Boise came into contact with a bat after it flew near him and got caught in his clothing. The man did not believe he suffered any bites or scratches and did not seek further treatment.


  1. I recall seeing post. If the covid shot saves just one life then it has been worth it. Well, what about those that died from the shot? Is that one life still worth it? People are so fuckin weird.

    1. "Weird"? Millions of people have become emotional driven twits who want the government to think and take care of them from craddle to grave.

  2. Bat must've come from the 3 invader states West of Idaho over this last 18 months. This proves the "bat shit crazy" of left coast and what they've brought to Idaho and other saner states.
    Didn't have a problem since hippie days...hmmmm

  3. The rabies vaccine is proven, and probably safer, than the rona vaccine.


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