
Monday, November 08, 2021

How could they not acquit after this?

A 'star' witness for the prosecution in the Kyle Rittenhouse trial just blew the entire case for the prosecution, after he admitted to pointing his own gun at Rittenhouse before the teen shot his bicep off.

"It wasn't until you pointed your gun at him, advanced on him, with your gun - now your hand's down, pointed at him - that he fired, right?" the defense asked witness Gaige Grosskreutz. To which he replied:



  1. Should never been prosecuted at all.

  2. Yep, Rittenhouse blew gage's arm off nearly. Must a got some of his brains as well with that stupidity. The face palm by the prosecuter is glorious.

  3. Don't confuse a real trial with these horse and pony shows, there's nothing legitimate about this bullshit

    1. Exactly right. It's ALL for show.

    2. Yep... it’s not about justice.
      It’s about politics.

  4. Crowder had a phenomenal commentary on this recently. This is from November 4’s show:

  5. If the glove don't fit...

    1. That only works for those in the national felon league.

  6. Wanna bet? After acquittal the feds will be right there with their own charges. Probably a civil liberties violation.

    1. Yup. That's how they roll.

  7. Since persecution can only be pursued by a Reasonable Persecuter, in a venue approved by The United States regime, according to this, the current, moment's rules, according to a Loyal Member in Good Standing of The United States regime, how can a sane person (not only American) ever consent to convict? Anyone. For any "alleged" this, the current, day's crime.

    Oh. That's right.

  8. should be interesting to see if the MSM covers this, at all, tonight, or ever...

  9. I would not say that this witness blew the case for the prosecution because all he did was tell the truth on the stand which h he took an oath to do. The prosecution blew the case for the prosecution by a opting to knowingly bring a loser of a case to trial. The prosecution surely knew all the facts with respect to each of the people Rittenhouse shot, and they knew that they had the burden to not Only prove each element of each charged offense beyond a reasonable doubt, but to also prove that it was not self defense beyond a reasonable doubt.

    In other words, the prosecution should never have brought this case, and under the circumstances they have an ethical obligation to Rittenhouse and the cord to move to dismiss based upon the admissions of their witnesses in open court.

  10. Did not help them when one of their other star witnesses, an EMT, testified he cleared a round from the pistol's chamber.

  11. If they find him guilty now there aint a fucking cow in Texas and thats a bulls hang out. What some bullshit. Add the feebies sitting on the overhead plane vids along with this?

  12. They'll convict since Fentanyl Floyd's nephew is already making threats, with impunity, against the jury.

  13. So all the people who lied about this kid will have their social media accounts suspended for spreading misinformation right?

  14. What happens to Kyle Rittenhouse probably has a helluva lot more to do with who the jurors are and who has had access to the them than with any actual evidence. If this trial had not happened Kyle would have been looking over his shoulder FOREVER waiting for an agenda driven DA to make it statute of limitations for some of the charges. Now he's either going to win or lose. If he wins he can never be tried for it again. Not that he won't be facing some trumped up bullshit Fed Charges.

  15. Grosskreutz posted a picture of his Concealed Carry License with an expiration date of 2023.
    He perjured himself when he said it expired. It was rescinded for, IIRC, a DUI and sexual assaults.

  16. this makes it all make sense: the prosecutor is prosecuting so all the evidence is laid out for the public. he is sidestepping the flak he would get if he did not prosecute. the resulting riots will not be blamed on him. it's theater, not law.

    1. I agree, but the Great Unwashed Rioters won't bother to examine the evidence for themselves, but instead believe what the MSM tells them.


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