
Wednesday, November 24, 2021

I'm with the HOA on this one

TAMPA, Fla. - A Christmas light display in Westchase is getting national attention for going up too early. The family says they could face up to $1,000 in fines from their local homeowner's association if they don't take them down.


  1. Why would anyone give a shit about when neighbors put up their Christmas decor? Really ... why would that bother anyone? Their just fucking lights and Christmas stuff.

    Lately, we have so little to celebrate .. I can see the rush to Christmas ... tolerance y'all they if they aren't flying an ISIS flag then fuck it ... carry on with Christmas.

  2. If you want your place to look like you live in a trailer park, just move to the trailer park.

  3. If you purchase a home in a neighborhood subject to a neo-nazi home owners association, pull on your sheepskin jacket and follow the rules, restrictions, whatever the HOA decides. No one held a gun to your head to make the purchase. If you don't want others to control your life, buy a non-HOA property.

    1. A lot of HOAs start out fairly benign and get nasty over time - like any government, they just keep expanding their power.

  4. Here in metro NY, the Christmas lights go up earlier and earlier each year. And the stores have greatly extended their pre-Christmas sale season. Everything used to be Thanksgiving and after, but due to holiday creep, people around here, especially the ones that hire others to put up their light displays, are nor doing it at the middle of October.

    The HOA is right in principle, but wrong in the amount of the fine. $50 for a first violation in my opinion is proper with progressing increasing fines for subsequent violations.

  5. Not a fan of overly assholly HOA's. In the last place I lived, they tried to fine me for having my mail box built to standard. I went to complain at a monthly meeting and cited the by laws saying that the construction debris rules were waived during construction. I got an argument, but they relented because it was in writing.

    I joined the architectural control committee (ACC), only to find out that they joked about one guy in the ACC who was flagrantly violating the rules by living in his garage while the house was being built (specifically prohibited in the by laws). Ha ha. If you were one of the in crowd, you could do what you wanted. If not, you had to follow the rules to the letter.

    I complained to the HOA pres, but was told that the ACC had control. I resigned in protest. I had small issues with them over the years until I sicced the sheriffs on a guy whose daughters were trespassing on my land. The guy told me there was nothing I could say that would change his daughter's behavior. I said, Oh Yeah? Called the sheriff and mentioned the words "criminal trespass". That ended the tyranny of the blond haired princess and enamored me to the HOA pres, who lived next door and complained about him all of the time.

  6. How typical - try to spread a little holiday cheer and some cranky scrooge has to bah humbug it.

    Fuck self-appointed nazi HOA's and the Karen's they're made up of.


  7. The family should put up a big sign announcing: "HAPPY KWANZAA". In this current climate that should silence the HOA.

    1. This is 'out-of-the-box' thinking, Bogside.

    2. A Ramadan display with three guys in robes and suicide vests could also be fun.

  8. One of the idiots a mile or so away put up their bullshit Halloween decorations and Christmas decorations at the same fucking time. I couldn't even tell WTF I was looking at.

    At least wait until Thanksgiving is over before you put your retarded-looking 10' tall Chinese junk inflatable abominations out.



    1. You don't want to see what across from me then. So many blow ups that you can't see the grass.

  9. Down here near Houston, half the neighborhood has lights up already, with some as early as a week+ ago.

    PS I like to torture my HOA too... Drag out every single little whine they produce. Make em spend money on Lawyers! Whiney little bitches...

  10. HOA's are the beginning of your surrender of liberty. It's YOUR property, not theirs. Writing HOA' membership into a deed violates freedoom of association. Come on...imagine if you had a deed that required you to be a democrat. Same thing.

    1. You said it. I've seen a deed that required the property NEVER be sold to any "damned chinks". Seriously, there's a legal way to get these stupid clauses off deeds, just needs to be implemented. Same thing goes for agenda 21 tomfoolery, HOA's that are 50 years old, etc. There needs to be a time limit (even if a long one) and possibly some other mechanisms to remove random shit from deeds.

      I bought it, it's mine, STFU. Or maybe "I inherited it from my father, I never agreed to any of this, it's mine land, and the rest of you can bugger off." etc.

    2. Had a whiny little bitch confront me over my trash can while he was on my property. He was warned and then told I was going inside and when I came back out that I would not be responsible for what happened to him if he was still there. Asshole said I threatened him so I told to call a cop. Cope shows up and tells the bitch to get off and stay off my property. Fuck a HOA. They should completely illegal.

  11. I have to question the sanity of anyone who subjects themselves to the whims of the Karens of the world - And pays for the pleasure.

  12. I don't get they had to have "the designer"(sheeeesh) put them up (cause this guy's obviously never been on a ladder or held a hammer in his life);...but can't they just keep them turned off till Thanksgiving?

  13. I'll never side with an HOA. They're just a bunch of little satrapies run by little tin plated dictators.

  14. I like the lights, up here dawn is 9:30 and sunset is at 4 today. So the Christmas lights brighten up things a bit. We will be loosing daylight until 12/21. 4 minutes today.


  15. It's HOA's that enforce rules like "Your lawn must have at least 50% bluegrass" that takes an inch of rain per week in Colorado where it don't rain much so the cities can buy up all the water rights from agricultural concerns.

  16. Light 'em up! Fuck your neighbors and fuck the HOA. Pay the fines and make them look like shit.


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