
Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Kyle Rittenhouse Violated the Safari Principle

A good article outlining why Kyle Rittenhouse was considered a specifically purposeful target for the regime is written at Powerline Blog by Paul Mirengoff.

What the author essentially describes is something CTH readers have witnessed for over a decade, we called it “The Safari Principle” narrative; and it surfaced in its most modern form during the George Zimmerman case.

In essence, the underlying elements of the Safari Principle narrative begin with a pretense that victims of the mob, any mob or individual predator, have no one except themselves to blame because they did not follow the rules of the safari.  When in the proximity of any person, event or situation that is engaged in an unlawful act supported by the political left, you are not permitted to exit your vehicle or engage in activity that will lead to your targeting.


  1. I've been pondering the similarity to a scantily dressed woman heading to a bad part of town and getting attacked. Liberals will do the 'but! but!' arguments here and be completely incapable of seeing the parallels...But a person doing something legal in a legal place is allowed to be there. They both proceed to take no illegal action and are attacked. Were they each doing something dumb? Yes, probably not the best life choices. Did they deserve to be attacked? No. Do they have the right to defend themselves? Hell yes...but one doesn't fit the 'right' mental narrative in so many minds that they block out anything that disturbs their precious, prejudiced world view. I feel this applies to near every case in this theory, and liberals brains will freeze up and they'll refuse to admit there's any parallel here, thus preserving their lack of having to try to think independently.

    1. cj, I jumped over to comments to say what you just said. You articulate it as well, or better, than I would have. So let me leave it with; well said cj, well said.

  2. Kyle went to Kenosha to help clean up his grandfather's property and stayed to protect it.
    He got in the way of liberals who oppose private property ownership. The trial was not about guilt or innocence, it was purely to punish him for getting in the way.
    Liberalism is a mental disorder. We are approaching the point where they lock up the sane people.

  3. Even if you do stay in your car, the animals will continue to pound it with every intention of pulling you out & murdering you and when you try to get away, exactly like the guy in Charlottesville, you get sent up for 240 years for killing one of them.

    Remus said avoid crowds-it's not a bad idea-100+ yards out is a good start.

    1. You may have no interest in crowds, but that doesn't mean crowds will have no interest in you. It's getting harder to avoid them, even in smaller cities.

  4. I go with the fuck you principle. Inhibit my rights to travel unmolested and you'll see the results if I'm illegally impeded.

    The left loves to say when a cop is killed "it was their job, they knew the risks".

    I say the same about thugs that get killed - "they knew the risks of being a thug".


    1. Act like a wild animal, get treated like a wild animal. "Safari" over for you, looting thug.

  5. If the governors of these states had the least bit of common sense, at the first sign of rioting send in the guard with explicit orders that looters will be shot on sight. All of this looting and destruction would very quickly subside. It's either that or expect a rise in vigilantism.

    1. Looters enable government to expand its powers - the populace will pretty much demand it. Why would (most) governors want to impede that?

  6. This kid's a hero and needs to be treated as such. I hope he sues the shit out of all the media outlets, commentators, and politicians who defamed him. As he said in his interview last night with Tucker "I have some very good lawyers on it".
    We need more like him!

  7. Last I heard when you bag 2 on a safari you've done very well. Meme it I hereby give it away.

  8. And that is why I have bumpers on the car and the truck that will let me bull through a crowd.
    Never stop, never get out. Leave enough space from the car in front that you can turn and move over a lane. have enough ground clearance to make it over curbs and such.
    Always have a way out, even if it is forward over the bodies of those who block your way.
    Never leave the car, never be alone in a crowd.

    I don't care if you have a 30 round magazine or not, they can overwhelm you.

    1. Easy rule. Always stop so you can still see where the rear tires of the car in front of you meet the pavement.

  9. I remember the rules on safari as

    Dont bang anything , not even your own hand.

    Africa always wins .

    Both are currently applicable here .

  10. Using the 'logic' in the linked column, we are responsible for the destruction of everything we hold dear... because we live on their continent of North America.
    The corollary:
    The column clearly states the MainStreamMedia bias -- "Blacks© are incapable of self-control".


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