
Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Meth in Tennessee? Really?

WAYNE COUNTY, Tenn. (WKRN) — At least 20 people are charged in connection to a Middle Tennessee methamphetamine distribution ring. 

Wayne County Sheriff Shane Fisher said a routine drug investigation that began in August 2020 resulted in officers finding hundreds of pounds of crystal meth in Wayne, Perry, Lewis and Lawrence counties.


What gets me is back in the 1980s when I was doing crank, a quarter ounce was a lot of dope for somebody that wasn't dealing to have. Now, it seems like every damned bust I read about here, it's a quarter pound or more along with syringes, pipes and other items denoting personal use. It makes me wonder if the quality of today's shit is so bad that they need a quarter ounce to maintain the same level of a buzz that we used to get from a quarter gram? Does it take more to get wired by smoking it than it took us by snorting lines? Or is it just so prevalent that it's dirt cheap? 
Questions, questions, questions.....

1 comment:

  1. IIRC everything was better back in the day. Still have my teeth too! Lol


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