
Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Wet beaver tearing up some morning wood

 VIDEO HERE  (3:16 minutes)


  1. Reviews:

    "...the teeth worried me, but I still couldn't wait to see the finish."
    "...great vid, could watch that beaver working the wood day."
    "...wish I could get hold of a big hairy beaver like that."


  2. It doesn't take him all day to do a day's work.

    Those things have fallen trees as big as two feet in diameter at the family ranch.

  3. I've got beavers. 5-6 acre pond, closes most of my back door. They eat a lot of trees, mostly soft ones, poplar, willow, aspen, but they chew on all of them except evergreens. They dig canals on the high side to expand. I'll have to stop that, I guess.

    1. Once the foliage is dead about 20' away from the pond they will move. That's what is called a dead colony. Only the old will chew on evergreen. Their teeth continue growing and the old beaver can't chew the hard stuff anymore so they chew evergreen to keep their teeth worn down. Lots a cool stuff about beaver. I was raised on the Canadian boarder and was walk trapline on Bear Paw snowshoes when I was six years old.

  4. Went on a hunting trip to Canada (Cohrane area) back in the 70's. Middle of nowhere. Girlfriend and I took a hike and happened on a Beaver pond. They were nervous, slapping the water with their tails but soon got used to us and went about their business building their dam. We went back the next morning to find they had cut down around 30 trees about 2-3 times that diameter since we'd been there the day before.

  5. not the video I hoping to see, still good though

  6. Heh!

    Chutes Magoo

  7. F*ck these MF rodents! I killed a bunch last year and this year at our pond. The biggest was this 50# "breeder" back in January.

  8. Great job of coming up with the wording on the title to this post, Kenny...Ha :-)

    Most people don't know that a beavers cutting teeth grow their entire life, so they have to use them pretty much
    constantly to keep them worn down to the right length.
    If they don't, the teeth will actually keep growing to the point that the beaver cannot use them and they will then starve to death.....which is probably where the term "busy as a beaver" comes from, because they must stay busy gnawing on things.
    Also, they taste just fine. I've eaten them, (a long time ago) and it had an almost identical texture and flavor of a beef pot roast.
    If someone put a plate of roast beaver in front of me today, I wouldn't hesitate for second to dive into it. I admit I may biased in that direction because I am a meatetarian, and live pretty much exclusively on meat now.

    Tim in AK

    1. A Indian from Quebec came to live in my hometown. He was huge. Called himself the FBI. Fuckin Big Indian. Everybody else called him that too. He invited a bunch a fellas for supper one night. He put on a hell of a spread. When they finished after all going back for seconds and thirds, he said, so how did you like the beaver? Those boys could not believe it was beaver. They said it was delicious. He cooked a roast of Moose one day and I did get to eat that. My god!!!

    2. Tim,
      Everybody in our family is highly allergic to phytates, the natural pesticides in plants.
      We do much better on animal proteins.

  9. with that heading, somehow I expected something a little more...erotic.

  10. What's with the click bait? I saw Beavers and wood and was like I'm there dude!

    They are cool creatures. Destructive, but cool.

  11. Damn, I read wet beaver and morning wood and I expected a whole different video

  12. Pretty cool. Shocked he got that close. House I grew up in had a creek running through back yard, city park on other side. One year we had a few beavers taking out trees. City live trapped them. I took a caught beaver away from a kid and kept it in garage till city came. They are cool looking up close like that but watch your fingers.


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