
Thursday, November 25, 2021

Our Only Way Out Short of Revolution

In view of the extreme and unparalleled political polarity across the USA, it ought to be self-evident that the only way out of this mess is to dissolve the fraudulent U.S. Federal Government. Rather, it is the patently unconstitutional US Corporation that MUST be dissolved post-haste.


  1. Because.... you know... uhhhh...

    Hunter Biden's not Xo Biden.

    Chelsea's not Hillary.

    If we just... uhhh... give all our wallets to Hunter and Chelsea... uhhh... and uhhh... kill whoever THEY tell us to kill... uhhh... evevyting'll be just like it never was for my alleged great-great-granddaddy.

    OH! And I won't hafta git off the couch. And spill my bong. Agin. Nyhahahhaha.

    1. I must be dense because this comment made no sense to me.

  2. I have rights, in accordance with Natural Law and laws scribbled by other humans.
    How does a state have rights?

  3. We cannot avoid the war that is coming. The left will not surrender the power and control over the entire nation and the idea of a region seceding from the nation will be met with violence at the extreme.

    I have said and continue to say that our only way of re-attaining our freedoms and instituting a free nation yet again will be by revolution against our overlords. Face it, our government at present is no different than the british in 1775. We are 'ruled' and not equal citizens under the crown of the bureaucratic state. As such we do not have any rights that they do not agree to including the right to step away from the nation.

    Imagine you establish an enclave within the nation. It could be small or cover a state or more. The second you decide to not obey and not pay taxes and fees to the national government you will be destroyed in a manner that will make Waco look like a weenie barbecue. I will add. The left would be EAGER to do so and would use this occasion to ban guns and confiscate them from the rest of the citizens.

    The article does get it right that we will have to fight. My statement is that we cannot separate the nation into parts and succeed. It will be all or nothing. We either free the entire nation or face extermination.


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