
Monday, November 15, 2021

The Counterfeit Mexican announces his run for Governor of Texas

Beto O'Rourke has officially announced his plans to run for governor of Texas. O'Rourke, who definitely wants to take Texans' guns away from them, intends to offer a challenge to Governor Greg Abbott's run for a third term. 


  1. He's about as genuine as a 3 dollar bill.

    1. How can you not love Mr. FitzHernandez?

  2. Get your popcorn ready cause this is going to be very entertaining.

  3. One would think that there is a Texan somewhere that could reach out and touch that douchebag. Ohio Guy

  4. If that little azzhole was a conservative, the media would be all up his azz for cultural mis-appropriation.

  5. Abbott's no prize, but O'Rourke would be BAD.

  6. Sadly, the recent abortion bill may hand him the Governor's mansion. You can bet that it'll be one of the left's main talking points.

    1. Texas is about 40% Mexican and about 75% of those Mexicans are practicing Catholics who are against abortions so I don’t think the left Will bring up that topic

    2. Remember when Wendy "Abortion Barbie" Davis ran for Governor, and Congress, and got her nasty ass kicked? Beta Bob will suffer the same fate.

  7. Whoever's advising this nincompoop needs to go back to political strategy school.

    He chose to abandon his Texas U.S. House seat because polling indicated he couldn't get re-elected. So, he decides to run against Ted Cruz, a conservative from a conservative state, and got his ass handed to him.

    Between his stances on firearms, abortion, open borders and his ridiculous adopted nickname, he's got about as much chance as a snowball in hell.

    It's Texas for crying out loud. Get a clue.


    1. And El Paso hates him and his whole family.

  8. Imagine hating your own people so much that you pretend to be something else.

  9. If I were a reporter, I write Francis every time.

    This is why I can't be a reporter lol


  10. I'm so tired of hearing about that Kennedy-looking emeffer. I'm not tired of seeing him lose.

  11. Being Irish let me clue you into a tidbit of info from many years ago . The Irish people while under the criminal control of the british were told that any Irish name such as my own , were required to put an apostrophe between the "O" and the rest of the letters . Those toe jam licking irishmen that loved their servitude such as Beto gladly submitted while my kinfolk suffered the wrath of the king . When my old Daddy told me that bit o truth he beamed with pride ! . 12 generations in America and the fooking name is still Orians ! No apostrophe !

  12. He doesn't have a prayer in an honest election.
    But we don't have those any more.

  13. Dems do keep throwing your money at Beto!

  14. His campaign poster should be Wiley Coyote

  15. He announced he was still coming after the guns in a bid to get the gun-control lobbies to again fund his campaign.


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