
Tuesday, December 07, 2021

Capitol Surveillance Footage of January 6th Will Tell the Real Story

For months, Merrick Garland’s Department of Justice has tried every trick in the law books to conceal from Americans a massive trove of video evidence that captured all the activity at the Capitol complex on January 6. Federal judges have played along, approving hundreds of protective orders to keep video clips—particularly footage recorded by the Capitol Police’s extensive closed-circuit television system—out of the public eye. 

Time, however, is running out for the government.


  1. Nick Searcy has a new video called Capital Punshment. Looks interesting (trailer) but its $10 to stream. I don't need to be convinced, but I need to download it and send it to some people I know - I doubt I can do that for the price.

  2. "Time, however, is running out for the government."
    I like the sound of that.

  3. If the people who were protesting at the DC Capitol on January 6th were actually violent, or were destructive, or even were posing a threat, then they certainly must be held accountable for their actions. It does seem like the same revolving door that we are seeing for the thugs in the Blue states for criminal behavior, is evidence enough that the people being held without bail in connection with the Capitol protest should be released on a recognizance bond, and a speedy trial set, with appropriate charges and punishments being held in the balance.
    We have seen the goofball with the Sitting Bull horns and the body paint who was not really doing any harm, sent to prison for some ridiculous period of time, I think it was like 30 months or something. Adolph Eichman himself would have a hard time getting a sentence like that in today's justice system.

  4. I think a lot of people are just waiting for the other shoe to drop. when it comes time to start holding these assholes to account for the shit they have done. problem is, I think when it comes to holding them to account will require a lot of bloodshed on our part as well as theirs.
    as the assholes in power will not give up without a fight and most do not want to fight.
    we may have no choice in the matter when it happens though. as long as the feds get local help and arrest people they do not like when they want for whatever reason and others stand by and watch it, knowing it wrong. not much will happen the change anything here.
    mandates or whatever you want to call them have NO LEGAL STANDING, yet people go along with them, again knowing they are wrong. until we start standing up to the bullshit, nothing will change here, only get worse as they get away with more and more of this crap.

  5. The Feds keep talking about insurrection. They haven't seen nothing yet. The time IS running out for the government. Their lies and double standards will be the end of them.

  6. ...when a government and a pharmaceutical company can declare test results for a new drug to combat a new plague unviewable for 55 years hence, what's to prevent them from keeping the tapes of Jan 6th secret for a similar period?

    Who is going to stand up and call for their general release when the MSM is on .gov's side and calling a mostly peaceful demonstration an insurrection? If it was an insurrection, how come only three people died that day, one from a stroke or heart attack and one from being beat to death by the cops and one shot to death by a cop.

    How come NONE of the real culprits died that day or since?

    ..and the rest of us are STILL sitting idly by, waiting for someone somewhere to do something about this shit show.

    Here it is, in a few short weeks, a year since Jan 6th and we're all STILL sitting around with our thumbs up asses while the government consolidates their tyranny.


  7. Start shooting out cameras the way we used to shoot road signs.

    The problem in waiting for the other shoe to drop is who controls the shoe. They control your actions when they are in control of that event which you would use to decide your response.

  8. I was hoping corrupt leaders and bureaucrats, global "elite" controllers, corrupt members of all US government branches were going to be transported to a parallel universe to get schooled in Universal Law. Since that hasn't happened, I agree with previous comments.

  9. Expect any footage that doesn't serve the needs of those in power to be either destroyed or buried so deep we'll never see it. And with current tech and software they can edit, create or alter imagery so that no footage can be trusted.

    1. That's the real danger. They've had enough time to create videos showing whatever they want to show.


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