
Tuesday, December 07, 2021

Sen. Rand Paul tells Americans to 'ignore' Fauci and 'live your life'

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) went on Fox News host Sean Hannity's show Friday night and told Americans to "ignore" Dr. Anthony Fauci and "not live in fear."


  1. we know all this. Do something about the problems in washington because we are starting to think you are a problem too.

    1. My main thought a long while now to these mouthy repubs. Shut up, stop wasting our time and actually do something.

  2. I appreciate the thoughts from Sen. Paul but I’ve been doing that since this shitshow started.
    Fuck the CDC, NIH and especially Fauxchi!

  3. Fauci needs to be tried, convicted and hanged for crimes against humanity first, then I will ignore him.

  4. The problem with that advice is that while we can try to ignore Fauci nee Josef Mengele and the other commies, they refuse to leave us alone. They insist on trying to force everyone to behave the way they want. It's not possible to ignore them and live your life when they refuse to allow it.


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