
Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Damned tweekers will steal anything

Police in Akron, Ohio are baffled by the theft of an entire 58-foot bridge. The bridge had been sitting in a field awaiting restoration, but the bandits managed to make off with the entire structure over several days. 

Once used by pedestrians to cross the Cuyahoga River in Akron’s Middlebury Run Park, the bridge had sat unused in a nearby field since 2004, when a wetlands restoration project got underway in the park. However, police discovered in November that someone had cleared the brush that had grown around the bridge and made off with its treated lumber deck boards, the Akron Beacon Journal reported.


  1. So somebody really did have a bridge to sell.

  2. Hey! Good lumber is valuable! Hardworking thieves they got there. And ecologically correct. No point in just letting it rot. Musta been meth.

  3. HOLD

    The road this happened on was the main road to get from Lindale to Tyler. We watched them do it. It was in the parking lot of the new Wal-Mart, right out by the road. Thousands of cars drove by daily.

    E. Texas house stolen, brick by brick

    LINDALE, Texas - When Smith County Constable Dennis Taylor got a call reporting a stolen house, his first question was, "Is it a trailer house, ma'am?"

    "No, it's a brick house," the real estate company representative replied.

    Board by board, shingle by shingle, for nearly three months, thieves dismantled a three-bedroom brick house in this East Texas town and carted it away until only a pile of rubble was left.

    Authorities allege Brandon Ray Parmer, 29, and Darrell Patrick Maxfield, 44, both of Tyler, took the house apart and sold it for drugs, in plain view of everyone cruising by on U.S. Highway 69, Lindale's main street. Both men were arrested this week.

    Taylor said the men worked slowly and haphazardly in daylight, with no one questioning their work, because everyone assumed it was the work of Wal-Mart or Lowe's, the two large retail stores laying new foundations nearby

    1. Bridges? Houses? Fuckin' amateurs. Call me when they get to entire countries.
      - President Joe Biden.

  4. The Article is worth reading, it summarizes our corrupt governments/systems well.

  5. "Angry taxpayers repurpose government waste"

    There, fixed the title for ya.

  6. Sitting since 2004 = abandoned.


  7. There used to be a huge Oriental rug in the main lobby of one of the Columbia University Hospital buildings. One day some men in coveralls came in, moved furniture off of the rug, directed patients and hospital staff around, rolled up the humongous rug and carried it outside to a big-ass van. They loaded it up and left. This was in the middle of a busy weekday. Everyone assumed they were legit workmen. Nope, thieves.

    1. There was a story about 10-15 years ago about a museum in London (I think it was - somewhere in the UK). Every day, rain or shine, for decades, there was a guy who worked the parking lot - wore a uniform, kept regular hours, charged admission, directed people where to park, etc. After something like 30 years, the guy stopped showing up and everyone figured he'd retired. After a week, the museum director called the city and asked them send over a new guy. The city informed them that nobody worked there, it was a free public parking lot.

      Technically, a criminal, but technically, he also held a regular job.

  8. Back in the day a heavy equipment services company I worked for was doing a realignment and bridge replacement for one of the DOT's. The iron bridge that was being replaced was dismantled, labeled, and set aside off right of way awaiting a new home in another county. Several months later the haul trucks show up to move it, and it was gone..... $60,000.00 worth of gone.
    Management was not happy.



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