
Friday, December 03, 2021

Doctors Warn New Medical School Guidance Would Lead to Unqualified Physicians and Unscientific Medicine

The two accrediting bodies for American medical schools now say that meritocracy is "malignant" and that race has "no genetic or scientific basis," positions that many doctors worry will lower standards of care and endanger lives by discouraging vital genetic testing.

The Liaison Committee on Medical Education, which accredits all medical schools in North America, is cosponsored by the American Medical Association (AMA) and the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC)—the same groups that on Oct. 30 released a controversial guide to "advancing health equity" through "language, narrative, and concepts."


  1. I am sure that the 'Elite" will still get to pick physicians who know what they are doing. They will not have to accept a physician whose history would qualify him/her as a mass murderer.

  2. A nothing and everything to make all of the systems fail. If we were a car they would drain the oil cause it's black and that is raysiss.

  3. Question is, would anyone notice?

  4. Don't trust the medical community or your doctor? Just wait, you ain't seen nothing yet.

  5. We're already at unscientific medicine. The Scamdemic and the gross negligence of medical "authorities" is a demonstration of this.

    I put "authorities" in quotes because they aren't authorities. Authorities do not engage in the willful incompetence we have seen regarding the plandemic.

  6. Been in healthcare 45 years. It's become quite apparent that the intellect of the typical MD has dropped over the years. As has the average IQ of Americans in general. The primary factor for this is simple. What you subsidize you get more of. And America since the LBJ and his welfare schemes has subsidized two legged parasites. That leaves a smaller and smaller percentage of truly intelligent people to fill the complex needs of society. Add in the insane level of bureacracy that now permeates and infests healthcare and it's no wonder that the best and brightest no longer choose medicine for a career. Instead they choose other more lucrative careers with less mind numbing bullshit to in IT, finance etc. That means that medical schools MUST drop their admission standards to fill seats or else close. America is starting to see the true costs of all the insane social programs forced upon us since the 50's. NASA can't keep a working system we PAY the Russians for rides to space. Healthcare is saved SOLELY by the technological wonders that allow subpar doctors to like MRI and CT that smarter better doctors from the past didn't have. Anyone who hasn't watched the opening scenes from the movie Idiocracy really needs to.
    It's much more than's prophecy. Prophecy that is coming true as I type this.

    1. Dan you're right about this. I know two MDs who left medical practice to work in the software business. As one guy put it "a 20% pay cut for a 90% BS and stress reduction."
      I know in the future I only want white or Asian men for doctors because they are forced to earn their place on merit.

  7. ...I give you the VA health care system as a prime example. Why would a Dr. who is any good or has not been sued for malpractice work for the government?


  8. most doctors are pill pushers anyhow.

  9. Well, it's not like doctors will be allowed to make decisions anymore. The government will decide what you have and more importantly, what sort of treatments you will be allowed.


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